Chapter 10

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"You better be honest with us Luci, we're her best friends."

"Okay, one, no one gets to call me Luci apart from her. And two, I'll be honest. My intentions are easily to make her lo... love me, as much as I do."

"And what do you want from her, apart from loving you? Do you want her to just forgive you?"

"That's the easiest question you've asked me so far. I don't expect her to just forgive me, I'll work for that and earn that forgiveness. As for what I want from her. ...I want her to choose me... I want her to choose me to love, to be her one and Only and to be her forever."

"How do we know you're speaking the truth?"

"I would get on my knees for her. I would give her anything she wants. I just want to talk to her and if she can tell me straight in my face she doesn't want me or that she doesn't feel the same, I'll leave her alone. No more hate between us, no feelings at all. I would just let her live her life. And I know you don't believe me but I would do anything, just to talk to her at the moment."

"Fine, you get 5 minutes." we suddenly heard from behind us, Tala. She was standing there, listening to every word he said.

>>>TALA'S POV<<<

I heard a knock on the door and I couldn't help but listen and go take a look who it was. When I heard Lucifer's voice, I had this urge to turn around and go back to my room. But something inside of me, like a little voice told me to stay and hear what he has to say. So I did, I listened to every word he said, and although he hurt me in the past, I couldn't help but give him this one chance. How many girls could say the devil came out of his mansion and all the way down to their place, just to apologize and tell them he loves them. None, apart from me.

He looked surprised that I even wanted to listen to him. I turned around and said "Follow me." He immediately followed. I entered my room again and threw myself on my bed. Only a few seconds later Luci sat next to me on my bed.

"So?" I asked kinda impatient.

"I- I'm so terribly sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I learned my lesson. And when I found your room empty, I freaked out and ... I realized something. I don't want you to leave. I want you by my side."

"What are u saying Lucifer?"

"I'm sorry, don't leave me, I need you here with me. I know that I fucked up. I feel like I can't breathe, I'm so weak without you. I know this isn't easy. But I want you with me, next to my side. As my... as my queen. And I'll prove to you that I mean it. Just tell me what to do. I- I need you." He said that, his eyes never leaving mine. At the end of his speech, he dropped to his knees and came closer to me. Laying his hands on my knees. Looking me straight in the eye, I saw all the regret and pain hidden in his soul. And then the million-dollar question came. He asked me "will you move in with me? You don't need to forgive me immediately but I just... I need you close to me, love."

I-....did this just happen? Wait, did he just call me love? Does he love me too? Omg, the devil himself is sitting in front of me on his knees. Asking me to move in with him. Telling me that he's sorry. Telling me he misses me. He's making it hard to stay angry at him. I know I love him, but he loves me too. That's enough for me to go back with him.

I watched him. Looking at his eyes, into his soul. He had so much pain and anger hidden in there. He was letting me read him. Like a book. I could read him like an open book, as if I was the one who is writing him. It's up to me. I can decide for his future. I don't want to know a future without him in it. But he doesn't need to know that... yet.

"Fine... I'll come back. But it's gonna take me awhile to forgive you, Luci." I said. The last part was a total lie. I had forgiven him the moment he entered my apartment and said those thing to me. But yet again... he doesn't need to know. I'll tell him everything when I'm ready for it and probably after the game. Because there is no way in hell I'm telling him only so he could favor me. I want to earn that place in the finals. When I snapped out of my thoughts, I looked at his face. He had this huge smile on his face and his eyes were filled with happiness and hope. He was glowing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"I'm just happy you're coming back."

"You sure that's it? Or is there more?"

"There may be more. I'm happy you're coming back and I'm also happy you're back to  being yourself. And not the sad, angry, annoyed Tala you were just a few minutes ago." He stood up and kissed me on my forehead. "Come on... you're stuff is still at my place."

"Hey, Luci?" I said, grinning.

"Yeah?" He turned around to face me.

"I prefer you calling me Nala." I winked and walked out of the room. I could hear him laugh from my room at the comment.

"Hey guys, thank you so much for coming. But I'm going back to the mansion and I'm also continuing the game. I love you both so much. So, just thank you. I owe you both." I explained the situation to Blaze and Kaya.

"We heard, we may or may not have been eavesdropping on your conversation." Kaya said as if it was the most neutral thing to do. 

"Of course you were." I rolled my eyes but laughed at the same time. I hugged them both. Saying my goodbyes because I wouldn't be able to see them until the game is finished. And that's still a pretty long time.

After my goodbyes, Lucifer and I walked out of my apartment. I asked him "so where's your car?" Yes, we have car's in hell.

"I didn't come with one..."

"How did you get here without a car?!" I asked confused. He just stared at me and smirked.

"Oh no, I know that smirk. This can't be good."

"Who says it's bad? I think you'll love it." He said "I came here with my wings... and I'm planning on going back with them."

"And how am I supposed to get there?" I asked slightly annoyed. And then I saw his smirk grew wider. Oh god no. Please don't tell me-

"You'll need to hold on to me. Just wrap your arms and legs around me. I'll keep you close to me and make sure you're steady."

This is one of his privileges as the devil. He has wings. Only because he's a fallen angel. Everyone else is just "human", so no wings. You only get wings when Lucifer allows it and there has to be a whole ceremony for it. It only happened once or twice in the history. It were two of his most trusted friends, but later they betrayed him and they got killed. So Lucifer is the only one with wings and swore he would never give someone wings ever again.

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