Chapter 1

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I died.

Most people hope that when they die, they go to heaven. Me..., I'm different. I want to go to hell. I know, it sounds weird but it's true. I think that in hell has a lot more challenges and danger included. That's exactly why I don't want to go to heaven. It's all paradise, no danger. I love the adrenaline I get from danger. My life is... was full of it. From skydiving to bungee jumping to diving into the depths of the ocean.

I didn't introduce myself to you yet. Let me do that now:
I'm Tala Lexi Serrano. I died pretty young, I was 26 years old when I died. And now I'm in hell as I wanted. My life was as I said earlier full of danger and adrenaline. Before I died, I was doing something "reckless" as a lot people would say. I was rock climbing with some friends on a pretty high mountain. No worries tho, I didn't die while climbing. I died afterwards.

We went to a little cafe because we all were thirsty from our previous activity. And the situation in the cafe got out of our control. There was a shooting. I died taking a bullet for one of my friends. I know they survived so it was worth it. You're probably asking yourself, how do you know they survived? Well, Before I got to hell, I went back to earth but as a spirit and watched as they were at my funeral. I said my goodbyes to everyone, although they couldn't hear me, I still did it. After I did that I felt relieved and I left earth again, only now to never come back again.

I'm now 2 weeks in hell and I got some new friends. We've been hanging around and doing some challenges around our area. I also met the devil and boy, let me tell you we do NOT like each other. We can't stand to be in the same room as each other. That's the only negative thing here, so far. Every now and then everyone in hell needs to go to the devil. Just to go over the new rules and to tell him if there are any difficulties. There also are a lot of activities here, so you never really get bored. And of course, Lucifer attends most of them. He prefers to call himself Lucifer than the devil. He only uses "the devil" if he needs to punish someone for disobeying him or his rules and if that happens, you see his ruthless side. You know the one everyone is afraid of. The one you just never want to see.

My friends and I are hanging out today. We challenge each other to do some thing and if they don't do it, they have to do the next challenge. In other words you can skip a challenge but you'll be seen as a coward.

Seth, blaze and violet are already at our spot. I just need to go and pick Scar and Kaya up and then we can start our games.

I introduce to you Seth

I introduce to you Seth

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He looks cute and all (he's not my type tho) but once you get to know him, he's full of crazy ideas.

Then we have Blaze

Then we have Blaze

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