Chapter 27

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"Well, look like my plan worked." Dam mumbled under his breath. "I'm leaving, bye." And he was gone. Leaving me with a fuming Lucifer. I looked over at Shadow, who looked genuinely scared at this point.

"Shadow, go back to your room. I'll be right there after I handled Luci." I said and she ran out of the room. Just hesitating when she git to the door, she looked back at me and I nodded, letting her know it's okay, and she ran off.


"No! Answer my question!" He yelled

"I DID NOT, I would never betray you Lucifer. I love you. I don't want to lose you."

"So, you cheated?"

"Omfg... I didn-"

"Then why did you say you don't want to lose me. Someone only says that when they did something wrong."

"Lucifer stop yelling. I didn't do anything with anyone. The only one who touched me is you. And I honestly can't believe you would ever believe that, that I cheated on you. Just come and get me when you're calmed down." I said sadly and walked past him to Shadow's room.

I knocked on the door and she immediately opened it and let me in. As soon as the door was closed and I locked it, I broke down. I cried my eyes out.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Shadow was worried.

"He accused me of cheating. He believes I did something with someone else. He believes I could do that. And worse of all, he thinks I did something with his brother." I begon to have a panic-attack.

I started shaking, I was cold, as well as warm, I had shivers all over my back, I was already crying before but it got worse, I got dizzy, I didn't think clearly anymore. My mind was filled with 'what if's' and I hated it. My breathing became to quickly for me to get in air and I felt like I was being chocked.

I could see the fear and worry in Shadows eyes.
"What do you need?" She asked. But with the lack of air I had, I couldn't answer.

"Do you want me to find Luci?" She asked, and altho I was hurt because of him, he's the only one who can calm me down right now. So I nodded. She ran out, back to the dining room.

"Luci?..... Lucifer?" She was yelling from the stairs until she got there. Lucifer was sitting on the floor with his back against a wall.

"What?" He rolled his eyes.

"Tala... she's having a panic attack." She told him. He looked at her to see if it was a prank but he believed her because of the teary eyes she had, who were also filled with fear and worry. Shadow was shaking. Together they ran back upstairs to her room.

"Princess?" Luci kneeled in front of her. "Baby, I'm here... I'm here, you're safe."

"I- Luc-" i didn't get the words out.

"Shh, it's okay. Concentrate on your breathing. In.... and out.... again..." he calmed me down a bit, my breathing became normal again... but that was it. He wrapped his arms around me, and played a bit with my hair to calm me down some more. I buried my face in his chest. I cried, but became more and more relaxed with the minute. I was tired so I just closed my eyes.

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