chapter 41

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ring ring

My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket, Jax is calling me.

"Lucifer, we lost the ambulance." He said

"You.What? Find it. Jax, Damion, Seth isn't here anymore. If anything happens to Tala, I'll keep you both responsible for it. Find her, NOW!"I yelled. Anger was consuming me now.

As I ran out of the building, I ran by a broken mirror. I saw in my reflection that my eyes weren't just the red irises I was used to, my eyes were red with a dark black circulating in them. I didn't care though.

I got to my car and drove off. Looking for Seth and my girl. She's pregnant for fuck's sake. If anything happens to her or our baby boy, everyone is gonna know why this place is called hell.

I raced over the streets. I saw a black car, also speeding. I drove a little faster so I was driving next to it. Seth; he was behind the wheel. I drove faster and faster until I was far enough before him so I could block him. I turned the wheel and jumped out of the car. Seth crashed into it. I wish I could have given him a more hurtful death but I need to find Tala.

I wasn't fast enough if I ran so I spread out my wings. I was flying for about 2 minutes when my phone ran again; again Jax.

"What is it this time!"

"We found the ambulance..." he said sad.

"And? Is she okay?" I asked

"I can't tell him, you do it" I heard Jax say to Dam.

"Tell me what?"

"Lucifer" Damion said, "The ambulance exploded... with everyone in it."

I stopped breathing.

"What?" I asked unsure if I heard it right

"I'm so sorry brother"

"NO! She can't be dead, our baby can't be dead. They can't be gone."

"It's true Lucifer. We're all watching the flames and the bodies laying around it. A few soldiers went to check if Tala was still in it. They found a body, pregnant around 8 months, same hair color as Tala. We're doing some tests now to see if it's her or not. But everyone is pretty sure it's her. She's dead Lucifer, both of them."

My heart stopped just as my breathing. My wings didn't work with me and I fell down. Just before I hit the ground my wings spread again. I got back up and flew to the explosion.

"Jax! Dam!"

"Lucifer" they both replied

"Where is she?"

"Right there" They pointed at a silver car and i ran towards it.

I opened the door and found a body that looked indeed almost the same as Tala's body. It was strapped to a few machines. I took a look closer and noticed a scar over her left eye. Tala doesn't have a scar that goes over her eye. She had one right over her eyebrow and one on her cheek too.This person had one on her cheek but none over her eyebrow. This isn't Tala. I knew it. I can still feel her, she's still alive.

Jax and Dam came walking up behind me.

"Lucifer? What's wrong?" Dam asked

"See the scar over the left eye?" I asked them

"Yes, what about it?" They said while watching the scar

"Tala doesn't have a scar over her eye. She had one on her cheek and one over her eyebrow. This person doesn't even have the scar over the eyebrow that Tal has. Which means this isn't Tala."

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