Chapter 21

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"And last, but sure as hell not least, candidate 10."

Finally, I  took the crown Luci had given to me and showed it to the public.  Everyone's jaw fell open in shock. A crown they had never seen once and  thought of it as a myth. The crown was made for the Queen. Little  history fact, Hell has only had one queen in the past. But that was  before Luci took over.

"Alright now we have had all the objects. Lucifer, who wins this round?"

"I  don't think that is even a difficult question. 10, with the queens  crown. 3, with the golden dragon rings. 4, with the mirror. 8, with the  paintings. And last, but not least 6, with the necklace."

"What!  That's impossible. This bracelet is much more expensive than that old  necklace!" The first one screamed at Luci. That was a big mistake.

"Firstly,  do not raise your voice at me. and secondly, the necklace has  sentimental value, that bracelet is just decoration. Now get out!" He  yelled the last part, scaring her off.

After 20 minutes everyone was where he/she belonged. Either dead or back in their room. I went back to our room but Luci still had to stay and put all the objects back where they belonged. Well he didn't have to but he wants everything organized in his mansion. I was pretty tired so I just changed into my pj's and rested.

An hour later I heard Luci enter the room. He didn't say anything and went straight to the bathroom. Something was wrong. I was laying on my stomach when he entered so i didn't see his face but I could feel the anger radiating of off him. I got up and walked into the bathroom.


He groaned at me... but not in the positive way. In the way that say 'I'm angry, leave'

"Lucifer, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said harsh

"Luci you know I just want to help."

"You don't need to. Go get some rest."

I nodded and walked out of the bathroom but just before I was out if the door I turned around "Are you coming?" I asked him

"No, I'm going out." He told me

"But... why?" I asked carefully.

"Because I'm to angry to stay in."

"But why are you angry? What happened Luci?"

"Someone stole something vulnerable from me. Okay!" He yelled and walked towards the door.

I didn't want him to be alone right now so I stopped him. "Let me come with you."

"No, now get out of my way." He demanded

"Lucifer! You're stitches... I'm not letting you go out alone." I yelled back

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way, Tala... now" he yelled full of anger. To be honest, i now get why everyone calls him ruthless. He terrifying. The look of anger in his eyes was so intense. At this moment I think he could even kill me. He didn't look at me like his girlfriend anymore. It wasn't love in his eyes. It was pure hatred and anger. And I'm afraid he'll explode from it.

"Please, let me go with you" i put on the puppy dog eyes. I knew it wasn't going to help but I could try.

"Serrano, I advise you to get out of my way. right now!" He yelled more and louder. Hell he didn't even bother to say my first name. He's pissed.

"Be careful." I whispered sadly.

***Lucifer's pov***

"Be careful." She whispered in a sad way. I know I'm being to harsh on her but I need to find the person who stole from me. I didn't say anything, I just walked past her. I'm afraid that if I stayed with her I would do or say something I regret. I couldn't afford that.

On my way downstairs I met Shadow. "Go, keep Tala some company." I said as I walked out of the door. At this moment I knew exactly where to go. I've had my suspicions that he would steal something so I put a tracker in every vulnerable thing.

***Tala's pov***

He left. I heard the door slam close. Shortly after Shadow was at the door.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked

"I don't know."

"What happened?"

"He left. Something about someone stealing from him." I explained

"So what are we gonna do?"

"I'm going to follow him. I don't want him to rip his stitches open. Or get more injured then he already is."

"Okay. I'll stay here and cover for you. Now go get your man back." She said.

"Thank you." I said and ran out of the room. Towards the door. I opened the door and to my surprise there were no guards. I could still see his tall dark figure. I ran towards it. I know he's far away so I have to run if I don't want to lose him out of sight. He went to a little abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest.

He didn't knock on the door. He just broke it down, sometimes I forget how strong and feared he is. I didn't see much after, only that he came out of the cabin with a huge diamond and a little red box. There was blood all over his suit. Was it his? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard something growl at me from behind. It was hidden well and my senses said it was dangerous. I ignored it but kept looking at the place. That was until I saw a head. The head of a black jaguar. Altho i love to watch them. Being attacked by one is not something i want to experience.

I slowly got up and went the opposite direction. He followed me, ready to attack. I froze up when my back hit something hard. I looked at the animal and he backed away. I don't know what scared it away but I was grateful for it. I turned around, and of course, my back didn't hit an object. I hit Lucifer's torso. I looked at him with innocent eyes but little did I know it wouldn't work.

"Tala. What are you doing here?" He asked in a stern voice.

"I- umhhh.." I was caught... I didn't know how to get out of this one.

He sighed deeply before saying "You followed me. Of course you did."

I looked down and nodded. He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "We're going home." He said. And continued with "and when we get home, you're getting punished." And with that being said he crouched down and threw me over his shoulder. He spanked me ass and started walking.

The devil's challengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora