Chapter 37

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At the store

"Hey Tal, I'm getting a phone call. I'm right back okay?" Dam told me while answering the call


I just went looking for the things when I suddenly got the feeling someone was watching me. I looked around to see my surroundings. I walked down different ails and I noticed the same man was following me. I walked out of the store, hoping to find Dam somewhere but I couldn't find him.

"Shit" I thought to myself, I walked down the street and, of course I found myself in an abandoned part of the city. It was completely trashed, the windows of the buildings were broken, the lighting was broken, there was graffiti everywhere you looked. In short It looked like a ghost town.

"From where the sudden rush, Tala?" The man from the store said from behind me.

"I- How do you know my name?" I asked, and altho I hate to admit it, I was a little scared. Not for me, but for my baby.

"Yea yea, that doesn't matter. What matters is that I finish my job and deliver you to my boss..."

He came closer and closer to me and I tried to back away, but it didn't help. I was walking backwards when I suddenly hit a hard chest. They held something to my mouth and I blacked out.
Dam's POV

"Hello?" I answered the phone

"Yes, hello Dam." I recognized the voice, it was one of the nurses.

"Yes, what's wrong? Just get to the point." I said fierce, altho my relationship with my brother isn't the best, I still care about him.

"Lucifer is starting to wake up. He can be awake any minute of every day." He said.

"oh my hell... really?!" I was surprised, after six months of being in a coma. My little brother finally starts to wake up. I need to go tell Tala, she will be so happy.

"Yes, if you want you can stop by today. you know today is the only day we don't allow any visitors, but I'll make sure there are no problems getting in for you and assume you're taking Tala with you?" he said a bit unsure

"Yes, I need to go tell her. I'll see you later, Thank you." I ended the conversation

I crossed the street and ran back in the store. I searched and searched for Tala but I couldn't find her. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. That's weird, she usually picks up at the first ring. I tried calling again but it went to voicemail again. Something is wrong.

I went outside to look for her. Nothing. I called Jax.

"Jax I need you to track Tala's phone right now. I can't find or reach her. Something is seriously wrong."

"Give mr 5 minutes." Jax replied as i heard the tapping on a keyboard of a computer. 

After 5 minutes Jax said something again.

"Alright, so I found her phone in one of the abandoned parts of the city. So I also tracked your phone. She's about 0.6 miles (~965.6 meter) away from you."

"Alright. Bring me to her. Now!"

"Calm down! Okay so go down the street until you cross the jewelry shop"

I ran down the street as fast as I could. At this moment I couldn't care about anything other than Tala's safety. "Okay, what now?" I asked as soon as I saw the shop.

"You see the little alleyway?" Jax asked


"Run to the end then go left."

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