Chapter 36

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—-After the appointment—-

"How long?" I asked Damion

"Make sure it's less than 15 minutes." He replied

"Okay." I said and entered Lucifer's room

"Hey, Luci... I want to tell you so much but I have only a few minutes. Our family is being threatened by someone and Jax has been trying to figure out who this person is. I currently live with your brother. He said he was really sorry for doing this to us and he has proven it. He's actually pretty nice. I know you two don't get along very well but that's about to change when you wake up. I'll make sure of it.

Luci I miss you so terribly much. I love you Lucifer, even when you're not annoying the crap out of me, even when you're here in a hospital bed, even if I don't know if you'll ever wake up, I promise you, I will always love you. I still have no idea if you can hear me but if you can, please wake up Luci. You're missing out on so much.

I'm three months pregnant now. Our baby is growing fast. Dam has been taking care of us. We just came back from the appointment. I heard our baby's heartbeat and I saw them. They're so beautiful Lucifer. I also found out the gender today. And I know you would be so excited to know so, Lucifer," I took a deep breath and said it.

"Lucifer, We're having a baby boy." I revealed.

"Tal, I'm sorry but we need to go..." Dam came in and ruined the moment.

"O-okay" my voice cracked. I didn't want to leave him yet. "I'll see you once everything calms down, I love you Luci. Goodbye for now." I said my goodbyes once again and left with Damion.

Once we were in the car, I knew I just had to ask him, "why?"

"Why what, tal?" He asked confused

"Why did we have to leave already?"

"Jax texted me, he needs something, and it's important. I'm sorry." He explained

"Mhm, okay." I replied annoyed but I also understand where Dam's coming from.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I was thinking about what happened today. I found out my baby is a boy. I heard his heartbeat for the first time. I went to Lucifer, he's getting better. I can see it, I feel it. I really hope he can hear me tho.

"We're here" Dam snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, let's go."

We went inside. To my surprise, Jax has a little house here, not a whole mansion like Luci or Dam. The house was full of computers and machines to do research. It was practically a lab.

"Hey Jax, Long time no see." I said

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been busy trying to figure out who this idiot is. It will all be over soon, I promise you." He said

"Okay okay. What do you need for now? Dam said you needed something."

"Yea right... can I see the messages? Maybe we can find something in those."

"Oh yeah sure." I took out my phone and gave it to him. "Here"

"Thank you, this is just gonna take a few hours..." he said casually.

"Umh... a few hours?" I asked kinda shocked.

"Ah yes. I'm just gonna look at the structure of the text messages and see if I can find anything related to the number that is texting you."

"But there's no number."

"Every phone has a number Tal. I'll find something." Jax said

"Do you need any help?" Dam offered

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