Chapter 40

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— 1 month later —

Did you find anything?" Dam asked

"Yes, there were at least 4 men that kidnapped her. The van was driving towards the buildings that exploded in the civil war." I explained

"There are only a few buildings left in that area." Jax thought

"It will be easy to find her there." Dam said

"Make my army ready to fight. I want only the best and the ones we can trust for 100 percent."

"I'll make them ready" Dam said and left the room.

"Jax I want you to make some explosives and then stay in the car and see if there are any cameras. If there are you hack them and see if Tala is there, how many men there are and who the leader is." I explained the plan.

"Okay." And he ran out of the room too

We got ready and left.

The 5 cars parked right in front of the building. We got our guns clipped to us and checked the earpieces.

I went in with everyone while Jax made sure she was here.

We entered the room and I saw her. I wasn't thinking anymore and ran to her. I untied her. She had cuts all over her body.

"Lucifer!" I heard from behind me.

"Seth?! What the fuck!" I yelled

He pointed a gun at me and Tala

"Choose! It's one of you who gets the bullet!"

"Seth, just let us go."


"Fine, then shoot me!" I yelled

"What? No!" Tala yelled at me

"Yes, baby you... I can't lose you. Let me do this for you."

"No! I'm not gonna let you. I can't lose you either!" She cried.

"Just tell me one thing..." i said

"Yes, of course."

"Tell me, what are we having?"

"We're gonna have a boy."

"A boy? Really?" I said with excitement.


"Tala Serrano, I love you soo much. I'll always be with you, never forget that and you'll raise our baby boy to be the best he can. I love you both."

"Lucifer no!" She begged me...

"My sweet sweet girl... I can't let you die." I told her and turned around, facing this backstabbing bitch. I stepped away from Tala so the bullet couldn't go to her.

"Okay, shoot me!" I yelled

Bang bang

2 gunshots echoed through the room.

*Why am I not feeling anything?* I thought.
I looked down but instead of seeing myself bloody, i saw Tala. My sweet sweet Tala, The love of my life, my forever sacrificed herself for me. She jumped in front of me. She took the bullets that were meant for me.

"Tala?" I said shocked "Princess? Baby, don't leave me. Please!" a tear escaped my eye. "I need you Tala, I can't do this alone" I cried. After a long time I broke down.

I fell on my knees next to her and took her body in my arms. I hugged her and tried to stop the bleeding. She is bleeding so much. "Come on Baby. I really need you. I can't live my life without you!" I pressed harder on the wound. I can't loose her. If She doesn't survive and live her live... then I'm not going through with mine. I pulled in closer and gave her a soft kiss on her cold lips, and put my forehead on hers. I cried, my tears falling down on her emotionless face. I checked her pulse. It was still there but very very weak.

Dam and my team came running in. We split up because this building was huge, but they all came in too late. "Dam call an ambulance and say its for their own good that they're here within 10 minutes." I ordered

"But the hospital is 20 minutes from her-"

"I don't care! If they're not here then I'll kill them!" I yelled

"okay I'm already calling! you scare them."


10 minutes later they arrived.

They took My love with them and drove off with her to the hospital, I send 20 of my soldiers with the ambulance to make sure Tala was safe and I gave Jax and Dam the order to keep her safe and stay with her while I find Seth and murder him. The cars drove off right behind her. I walked through the building again.

"Seth! Come out of hiding you coward!" I yelled, but got nothing in response.

I walked around some more, through the whole building. He wasn't here anymore. I punched the wall until my knuckles were bleeding.

ring ring

My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket, Jax is calling me.

"Lucifer, we lost the ambulance." He said

"You.What? Find it. Jax, Damion, Seth isn't here anymore. If anything happens to Tala, I'll keep you both responsible for it. Find her, NOW!"I yelled. Anger was consuming me now.

As I ran out of the building, I ran by a broken mirror. I saw in my reflection that my eyes weren't just the red irises I was used to, my eyes were red with a dark black circulating in them. I didn't care though.

I got to my car and drove off. Looking for Seth and my girl. She's pregnant for fuck's sake. If anything happens to her or our baby boy, everyone is gonna know why this place is called hell.

I raced over the streets. I saw a black car, also speeding. I drove a little faster so I was driving next to it. Seth; he was behind the wheel. I drove faster and faster until I was far enough before him so I could block him. I turned the wheel and jumped out of the car. Seth crashed into it. I wish I could have given him a more hurtful death but I need to find Tala.

I wasn't fast enough if I ran so I spread out my wings. I was flying for about 2 minutes when my phone ran again; again Jax.

"What is it this time!"

"We found the ambulance..." he said sad.

"And? Is she okay?" I asked

"I can't tell him, you do it" I heard Jax say to Dam.

"Tell me what?"

"Lucifer" Damion said, "The ambulance exploded... with everyone in it."

I stopped breathing.

"What?" I asked unsure if I heard it right

"I'm so sorry brother"

"NO! She can't be dead, our baby can't be dead. They can't be gone."

"It's true Lucifer. We're all watching the flames and the bodies laying around it. A few soldiers went to check if Tala was still in it. They found a body, pregnant around 8 months, same hair color as Tala. We're doing some tests now to see if it's her or not. But everyone is pretty sure it's her. She's dead Lucifer, both of them."

My heart stopped just as my breathing. My wings didn't work with me and I fell down.

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