Chapter 32

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We arrived at the house a few minutes later.

I went inside and to our room. Immediately got in the closet and took a bag. I filled it with clothes for me and an outfit for Luci. In the hopes he would wake up soon. I changed into my sweatpants and one of Lucifer's shirts again. I took the stuff and went downstairs. On my way I bumped into Shadow.

"Tala? Hey, how's Lucifer?" She asked.

"Oh hey Shadow, Luci's in a coma. But he's stable... Congrats on the win by the way." I told her

"Oh I'm so sorry Tal. You two really deserve to be together. I'm sure something positive will happen to you soon tho."

"Well... that already happened." I got a bit excited.

"Really? What happened? Tell me." She got excited too

"I'm pregnant." I said

"Congratulations Tala, you really deserve it. You're gonna be the best mom ever."

We laughed together for a while.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back to Luci now. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, I'll visit tomorrow." She said

"Okay, bye"


I walked to the door but when I wanted to open it. Damion stood in front of it.

"Damion?! What are you doing here?" I almost yelled

"Tala, I need to tell you something." Dam said, looking worried

"What is it?" I said, irritated

"I apologize. I crossed the line with the last challenge. I regret it. I really do. And I will do anything to earn your, as well as my brother's forgiveness. That is if you can forgive me somewhere in the future."

"... wow. I didn't expect that one. Lucifer's in a coma Damion." I felt the need to tell him.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Tala. I really wish I could turn back time."

"I need to think about this Dam. But I'll let you know."

"Alright, I understand. I'll let you go now."

He left again.

Before I got to the car again, I was stopped by the mailman.

"Are you Tala?" She asked


"This is a letter for you."

She gave me an black envelope.

"Ohw, thank you."

She left to her next stop and I got in the car. I buckled up and Jax asked "what's that?"

"A letter for me. I didn't open it yet." I replied

"Open it now."

"Okay, calm your impatient ass down."

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