Chapter 16

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"Now, the interesting part. How did you wrap my devilish friend around your finger?"

"I honestly have no idea." I laughed.

"You don't know? How did you meet then?"

"Umhhh, we met at the day you can complain. I wasn't going but I was hanging somewhere close to his place and I don't know why but he thought I was spying on him and ever since we hated each other." I said

"A few days later her friends dared her to break into my place and take pictures if my golden throne. Which is strictly forbidden by the way. And I caught her. She was hiding behind the curtains, I didn't notice until I felt this feeling something was wrong. So I exited the room and came back in to see what was happening. I saw her sneaking to the door." Luci continued for me.

"Omg! What happened then?"

"I ran." I said, kinda embarrassed now that I did.

"U did what? Girl, you're lucky he didn't kill you."

"I know."

"She ran but she didn't know the way out. She was so stupid to run up to the highest floor. I, of course, caught her and pinned her to the wall. Telling her to delete the pictures."

"He chocked me until I gave in."

"Either way, she removed them altho she would lose her dare."

"Did she really remove them?" Jax asked


"Also from the 'removed map'?" Jax was exposing me. This isn't going to end well. Suddenly I remembered I never deleted them, not even after showing them to the group. Fuck.

"Ye-..." he stopped. Thought about it. "I don't know. I hope she did, cuz otherwise it would mean she went against my orders and I have to punish her for it." He looked at me.

"Did you..?"

I swallowed and the floor suddenly became really really interesting.



"Did you remove them?"

I didn't answer and stared at the floor.
Note to self, Juan is smart and tells Luci everything.

"Tala?!" Luci started to become angry.


"I'll leave you alone for a second." Juan said, making the situation worse.

Lucifer slammed the door close after Juan left. And trapped me between him and the door. Again.

"Did. You. Delete. Them?" He said, he's furious.

"I- I'm s-"

"Yes or no, Tala?"

"I- no" I looked down not wanting to see the anger and disappointment in his eyes. He sighed deep. "Look at me." He ordered me. And I did what he said. "Did you show them to someone?"

My head dropped immediately. I nodded my head up and down. Letting him now I did.

He started hitting the wall right next to my head. I didn't even think about flinching. He hit so hard his knuckles were bleeding. "Luci yo-"

"No, I-..." He thought about his following words. "Delete them. And if you did that, I want you out of my room." He turned around and walked in the bathroom to clean his knuckles.

I deleted the pictures and left a note saying that I'm sorry and I didn't mean to hurt him or his pride in any way. I also wrote that the pictures were deleted. Completely. And to end the note I just said "I love you Luci, so much. Let me know if you're calmed down. I'll be next door if you need me."

With that done I left his room and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bucket of chocolate ice cream and went back to my original room. The one right next to his. I have a tv so I took that as an opportunity to see what movies were playing. I found one that looked interesting and started eating the ice cream.

When my movie was over, I still had half of the bucket so I watched another movie.

When it was empty, I put it away and watched the last few minutes of the movie. I think I fell asleep because I cant remember the end of it.

***Lucifer's POV***

I hit the wall right next to her head and she didn't even flinch. Fuck, what's wrong with me. I send her away and went in the bathroom to clean my bleeding knuckles. I hit that wall way to hard. When I came back she was gone. She didn't fight me nor argue. She did as I asked. I walked over to my closet to change into some clean clothes.

When I was changed and ready to go out to the city, I saw something on my bed. A note from her.

The note said:

Luci, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you or your pride.
The pictures are deleted, completely.
I love you so much Lucifer.
Let me know when you calmed down a bit.
Also I'll be next door if you need anything.

Tala ❤️

I sighed. Did I hurt her feelings? I- shit. I'm officially the worst boyfriend ever.

I walked to the room next door and I heard talking. She's watching a movie. I walked in and I saw her laying down in the bed. I saw the empty bucket standing right next to the bed. She ate the ice cream... I definitely hurt her feelings. I slowly approached her. "Princess?"

No answer


Again, no answer.


No answer

When I reached the bed and watched her. She was asleep. She's still wearing my shirt tho. I carried her back to our room and laid her down. I needed some fresh air so I went to the garden. Calling Jax I went downstairs. We need to catch up on a lot of time.

***Tala's POV***

I woke up but not in the room I fell asleep in. I was back in our- his bedroom. How did I end up here? I guess he found my note. I searched through the room for him. But he wasn't here. I stood up and changed. I need to see my friends again. I went downstairs and towards the door. I opened it but was surprised by the man in front of it.

"Who are you and where are you going?" The man said.

"Tala and I'm going to meet some friends. Why?"

"Tala Serrano?"


"I have orders not to let you go out, unless it's an emergency."

"From who?"


"Of course he did."

I went and searched for him, again. I finally found him in the garden with Juan.

"Lucifer!" I yelled at him.


"Explain why I can't leave the damn house."

"Because I don't want you to disappear again. Also I knew you were going to try to sneak out, again."

"But I wanna see my friends."

"Too bad isn't it?"


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