that meant he didn't want to talk about it, "it's okay bunny, i can't comfort you because i'm driving but breathe in and out"

"jungkook is doing good. we'll give him fluids for a bit before he can be discharged"

the doctor hummed, "is he sleeping well?" he asked, yoongi stared at jungkook, "i sleep fine"

"how many hours a day?" the doctor asked, "around 6?" he said, "try to sleep a bit more" his doctor recommended, yoongi felt horrible.

he felt responsible for this, he felt guilty.

"jungkook, i'm sorry"

jungkook looked at the boy, "for what?" he asked, "being a dick during my depressive episode"

jungkook shook his head, "i already said that you didn't do anything" jungkook spoke, "i triggered your ptsd so much, i'm sorry"

"it's fine, i feel a bit mentally exhausted from it but it's okay" he said, "no it's not"

jungkook sighed, "you're only making yourself feel worse, shh" he said, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

jungkook was cuddling yoongi as he slept, yoongi could tell how much jungkook needed his rest.

"bub, i'm going to the store" yoongi said, jungkook nodded and continued sleeping.


where r u






did u have a nightmare?


small one

im okay tho

want pizza


i'll get you some


what are you buying at the store?


im at the mall

wanted to buy u some things

like those big chunky boots

but u said u couldn't afford it bc u had to set the payment for ur braces


ur insane


sorry 🙄

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