🥀Chapter 33🥀

Start from the beginning

Turning to me she flashed another smile.

"Sorry hon but we need to go without your boyfriend" she pulls me closer, "Rose needs you"

Nodding slightly I turn to Alexander who hasn't taken his eyes off me.

"I'll be back" I mutter to which he pulls me away from Sarah and crushes me into him, his lips on mine in an instant sucking the breath out of me he whispers softly.

"Jamilla" he breathes in my scent making me relax before pulling back and gives me a grin, "don't forget you can't kill anyone without me." He winks.

Smiling up at him I give him another chaste kiss and pull away ignoring Sarah's small exaggerated sigh.

Shaking my head softly I discreetly turned to Viti giving her a little wave while I let Sarah drag me off and taking another glance at Alexander who seems to have shuttered again.

If not for the fact that I had let him maul me all through our car ride here I'd think the guy had zero passion for anything in life judging from the dismissively cold expression on his face as he took in his surrounding in distaste.

Can't blame the guy though, royalty or not this party is a major dump hole and if it wasn't for the fact that I have a job to do I wouldn't be caught dead here.

"Sarah slow down" I urge her as she practically hauls me through various rooms until we get to one that seems eerily familiar.

Looking around the space I try to rack my head around where I had seen this specific room before we're closed in by Sarah.

"Sarah what's going on?"

She giggles motioning to the occupants of the room.

Rose is the first person I spot, her blonde hair sleek and eyes glossy from all the drugs I watch her relax against a chair with Kim on the other side slurring out insults towards the only bed in the room which on closer inspection is occupied by what looks like a girl.

Confused I let my eyes wander over to Collins who has with him a video recorder, his lips forming into a malicious grin as he videos the scene.

Feeling like I'm in a trance I make my way closer to the bed and freeze right on spot because right there on the bed completely naked is Poppy.

My train of thought comes to a screeching halt as I take in her state, my body trembling with so much force I swear my teeth shakes.

"Finally you're here" Rose sings, as she approaches me a huge smile on her face, "wouldn't want you missing all the fun."

I don't answer; instead I stare down at the girl that had reminded me so much of my sister.

The girl I considered a friend even through all the shit I had been through.

The girl I had completely abandoned on my quest to end my sister's bullies.

And now she just might have suffered a worse fate than my sister.

"It's our form hazing" she mutters watching Collins spread Poppy's legs, allowing us see her body fully with all its cuts and bruises from a rape no doubt.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now