Bryce Hines a slight smile replying, "Yeah...okay. I'll go try and convince Y/n then." He thought rather noxiously, 'Man, who gives a fuck about that shit? Drinking... girls... Y/n... it's fucking cool. Could this be my chance to become a cool kid?'

Bryce walks away from them to ask Y/n if she'd go with him, but sees her having fun with Gray and Stephen. 'Forget's not she would've agreed anyways.'

[It was probably from that day,]

Bryce is seen by Y/n, Gray, and Stephen as he leaves with Oswald and his guys.

[...that Bryce began to drift away from us.]

WEAK HERO Original story belongs to SEOPASS, and Original Art belongs to RAZEN [Check it out on Webtoon!]

Gray and I were reading martial arts books when Stephen walks up all sweaty, "Self defense martial arts?" He says plucking my book from my hands, "You got Gray to read a self-defense book?"

He glances at the other books on our desks, "And what's this? Special forces hand-to-hand combat?" He pat/pets my head saying, "So, you're trying to be both brains and brawns, huh? Is that what this is, you two? Ha ha."

He gives me my book back as Gray says, "I don't was just fun to read about...once I saw Y/n reading some pages."

Stephen plops down in the desk in front of us stating, "I'll never be able to understand both of your widespread fields of interest. Ha ha."

Flicking him on the forehead I reply, "Right back at you, Stephen. You too, Gray." He nods in response but, Stephen says, "Anyway, it's hard seeing Bryce around these days, isn't it?"

"Oh- yeah, he's been hanging with Oswald Yang's squad, lately." I tell him, and Gray says, "He even smokes..."

I felt Stephen's head on top of mine as he says, "That aside, you up for a revenge title match in Takken today? Your house is empty today, right?"

Pushing his head off, I say, "One, get your head off, you're really sweaty. Two, yes my house is empty today. My sister went back to my aunt and uncle's place."

"By the way, can I take a shower at your place? I'm super sweaty from basketball." Stephen asks and I say, "Since when did you ever ask before taking one? Also that's fine, just don't use my bathroom upstairs."

"That reminds me, um... I have to take one too...I forgot to after track practice." I added my face now a light pink shade, "I'll just go before you if that's alright?"

Stephen nods and once school ends we head to my place.
Your House: Your upstairs bathroom [Your pov]

The shower water ran over my body relaxing me and I couldn't help but think, 'Did they..get the wrong idea...?' I felt my face go red and I almost slipped and made a bunch of noise.

'No, will away those thoughts!!' I crunched down letting the water hit me, 'I just need to finish washing so Stephen can get cleaned off too.'

I finished washing off and I turned off the water stepping out, wrapping a towel around my body like a tube. I walked out into my bedroom but froze, Stephen was in my room, going through my bookshelf.

My face was no doubt a bright red after I ushered and pushed him out of my room, and I was mortified, and extremely embarrassed.

'In what world does friend in shower mean you can snoop through their stuff in their room!?!?!' I mentally screamed out.

His Fallen Angel [Gray Yeon X Reader] [Up Whvr]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora