(87) Be His Knight Part 2 - VirgilxEmile (and platonic Prinxiety)

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"Hey Pat, have you seen a kid called Emile Piccani? He's my classmate and we're meeting here..." Almost immediately Virgil heard a shout and finally saw him. He was dressed in a white t-shirt with a pink logo for the company - his hair was also mad but it looked so enduring on him... There was no doubt Virgil was attracted to men at this point. 

"I can show him the ropes Pat!" Emile cheered as he grabbed his scared high school friend's hand. Panic set in for Virgil immediately as he hadn't checked his palms for sweat but Emile didn't seem to mind as he dragged him into the corridor past the archway. Before he left the reception Virgil could see Patton give him a subtle wink... Roman was such a chatterbox. "Right! We have three activities going on this afternoon..." Emile spoke as quickly as Patton - they must be great (read: chaotic) coworkers. "Infants are doing motor play, Young class are doing arts and crafts, Mid class are doing performances and Elder class are having a day out playing mini-golf..."

Just hearing those names reminded Virgil of what he was like being a child here. He was in Young class when he first came here, Roman was in Mid class - and they grew up through every single class (apart from Virgil 'graduated' after Mid class so he wasn't bullied in middle school - he still was). Nothing had changed since he left and he immediately felt comforted looking into all of the rooms and reminding himself of all the activities.

"I loved the art therapy while I was here..." Virgil whispered, peeking into the room where children aged three to seven were running around the room with paint on their hands and feet and a giant piece of paper on the floor. Virgil remembered this activity too - all the kids were making a giant art piece together that would be hung beside the reception desk for a good year or two - sometimes up to four years.

So he and Emile went into the room. Emile seemed to be such a natural around all the kids, joking and smiling with them and not bursting into tears if they said something really depressing. "That's so pretty Thomas!" Emile cheered, facing a little boy who was showing his corner of the artwork covered in rainbow. Thomas was very small, maybe around four or five, and had dark blond curly hair... Quite similar to Virgil's natural colour. 

"Daddy liked rainbows..." Liked. Thomas had a dead dad too, or at least a less present one. The kid continued his rainbow as Emile was distracted by someone else - and finally Virgil had the courage to sit down and talk. And Thomas seemed willing to talk back. "Why are rainbows colourful?"

"They're made out of rain." Virgil spoke gently, just watching the paint with a small smile. Thomas seemed to frown a little and sucked his thumb and interrupting the teen beside him.

"I don't like rain. Rain's sad..."

"Well, when we look at rain at a different angle we see rainbows." The child was silent after hearing that - thinking about things most people his age probably didn't think about. Grief did that to people. The more Virgil chatted to Thomas the more he opened up and by the end of the day Virgil considered himself to be a friend with this little kid he could see himself in.


"Thank you so much for the help Virgil." Emile spoke gently as the pair finally finished packing all the art supplies and made the art room not look like a pig sty. It was just the two of them as the other volunteers were adults and had to disappear for their adult lives. The room was dark and only lit by the light from the windows, Emile looked so peaceful. "Will you come next week?"

"Yeah!" Virgil cheered - turns out it wasn't as chaotic as he first thought it would be. It actually felt nice knowing he was making a slight difference in the lives of kids who needed support. Right now was the scary bit, facing a cute looking teen in his grade and not immediately freaking out and embarrassing himself. He'd probably embarrass himself anyway but he wasn't that future thinking.

Emile looked up from the pens he was organising to see Virgil with his hands in his pockets and wide, glowing eyes. His cheeks were red and his lips looked... Now was not the time to freak out about your crush Emile. "Let's... Talk..." He eventually managed to spit out. Virgil tilted his head cutely and sat next to him. "Patton told me you used to come here as a kid."

"Mhm, when my Dad died." Virgil looked calm when he said those words, but Emile could tell there was still a hurt deep inside. "He died when I was five - cancer. But from what I remember of him he was a really nice guy that I look up to."

"The kids here need a role model like you." Emile's soft smile was captivating and made Virgil lean in, only slightly, as he was entranced by his words. This was how his mother and brother described love - and if he felt this way around Emile he never wanted to leave his side. All these feelings were addicting. "You're brave, Virgil."

"Not as brave as I'd like to be." Virgil's whispers were deafening to Emile's ears. Virgil wanted to lean in and kiss the man in front of him but he knew he didn't have the balls for that. They were probably going to stay friends and forget each other at college. Still, Virgil couldn't stop himself from leaning forward and glancing at Emile's pretty pink lips.

OK, wow, kissing was as good as his family described too. It was impossible to say who leant in but they were fucking kissing... And it was amazing. He couldn't get enough of it even when he had to pull back as his phone was ringing. Roman was calling, probably to pick him up.

"Uh... Hey Princey..." Virgil managed to utter out, freaking out as Emile had grabbed his hand. And he had just been kissed - that was unforgettable. 

"Everything alright over there Incredible Sulk?" Roman's voice echoed through the phone quizzically. Emile must have had good listening skills, or Virgil was just deaf, as he started to giggle quietly which made the nervous teen blush even harder. "Oh - are you still with Emile? What are you guys doing?"

Yep, the last question was definitely a taunt. Roman knew what was going on but was going to play dumb to annoy/embarrass his brother - like usual. "We were cle-"

"Kissing." Emile interrupted, giving Virgil a raised eyebrow and a kiss on the cheek. Virgil stuttered out unintelligible sounds while Roman was choking on laughter and let an 'oh shit' escape him.

Eventually Roman managed to catch his breath and speak through the phone. "My God... Right, get in the car Verge before I loose my baby brother to the sin of lust. I have condo-."

Virgil hung up before his brother could embarrass him more, smirking at Emile and falling even more when he smiled back. "I should go." He whispered, giving Emile a peck of a kiss before another question popped into his head. "Are we boyfriends now?"

Another kiss answered the question and made Virgil chuckle. The two walked out together and kissed each other goodbye - and Roman would not shut up about how his 'little boy was growing up so fast' and 'it felt like just yesterday you were shitting yourself without judgement'.

Virgil was only focused on one thing though - he finally had his boyfriend's, Emile's, number.

Sanders Sides Parenting/Kids One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora