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Chapter 28- Wounded Serpent
Sweet Pea

That single green line crushed me. Dead is what it meant and the person it linked too meant more then anything to many people.

I forced myself out of the hospital and I stood alone in the deserted parking lot of the hospital by the truck FP had abandoned. I clenched my fists before kicking a bin that was beside me and it rolled into the darkness. I could hear yells from the fights that were breaking out across the Northside and I let out a broken breathe as I was finally taking in everything that had happened.

Fangs was shot and is now dead. Natalie sacrificed herself for me and the Serpents and now she's dead.

I didn't realise I was crying until I felt something wet drip down my cheek and onto my bloody hands. I snapped out of my painful thoughts and I let out a choked sob. I began to grow annoyed I was letting myself cry but even when I attempted to wipe away the flow of tears that continued to come I knew I couldn't stop them.

"Stop crying!" I yelled at myself. "Stop it!"

I remember all my father used to tell me. Crying showed weakness and was a pathetic thing to do. I had to be tough and not show my emotions. But now, I was breaking down because of Natalie and Fangs.

"Sweet Pea?"

I snapped my head down as Jughead stepped beside me. I wiped my eyes to hide the fact that I had cried and Jughead sighed as he knew the truth I was trying to hide.

"What Jones!?" I snapped harshly at him.

"My Dad said you should be inside" Jughead told me. "In case we hear something"

"There's nothing to hear" I mumbled. "She's dead" I told myself that but I was denying to believe it was true.

I ended up following Jughead back inside and I sat in a chair as I sat and watched the door to the room Natalie was in. I watch FP as he paced back and fourth with anxiety filling him. His eyes would glance up at the door only a short amount of times. Jughead on the other hand had Betty to comfort him. She'd told us all about the Black Hood being her dad. I'm sure Jughead would of been more supportive if his sister wasn't dying. On the other hand, as much as they may not of liked me very much, they knew how to calm me.

But it proved tonight, Natalie was my weakness.

Sheriff Minetta suddenly walked through and a few glances went towards him before he pulled a nurse aside that came out of the room Natalie was in. I looked around at everyone's sudden silence and my chest hurt as I wondered what Minetta was discussing with the nurse.

"Minetta" Jughead started as he walked over to us.

"Mr Jones" Minetta nodded at FP.

"Yeah?" FP questioned as he glared at Minetta.

"I'm sorry, I was just informed that your daughter...she didn't make it" Minetta broke the news. Instantly, my stomach dropped and I stood up.

"Natalie's dead?" FP looked in disbelief.

"I'm afraid so" Minetta nodded. "I'm sorry. I know you already lost Mr Fogarty and now your own daughter"

"Your not sorry" I spat, glaring at him.

"Sweet Pea...no" Jughead shook his head.

Minetta sighed before leaving us and I noticed the tears in a lot of peoples eyes. Toni started to cry as Betty hugged her and FP brought Jughead into his arms as I knew they were as hurt as me. But I clenched my fist beside me as my anger was rising.

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