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Chapter 21- Moving Or Staying?

Day after day Betty began to check the newspaper way more often in worry of the headlines about a dead body. The goosebumps along her arms as her eyes met Chics from across the table who seemed to have forgotten all that happened that faithful night in their home. Though Betty had not and the horrid secret she kept was eating her up inside.

However sitting around my own table with Jughead and my dad made me feel like I was sitting at Betty's table. For none of us had relaxed since the night.

"I was checking out a few places" dad sighed as he stood making breakfast. "There's that one building on Franklin and Sycamore"

"Dad, there's living on the wrong side of the tracks, and there's directly over the tracks" Jughead sighed.

"Jughead's right, isn't there somewhere not so far?" I muttered as I looked up.

"I'm a soda jerk at Pop's, Natalie. We won't be moving into The Pembrooke" Dad laughed as he sat down.

"We shouldn't have to move at all" Jughead burst.

"No one in this trailer park should have to move" I added as I nodded with him.

"This is just Hiram Lodge's vendetta against us. Look, he is planning something, dad. Something big and bad. I just have to figure out a different angle" Jughead said as he looked between dad and me as he spoke. I saw how built up he was with everyone having to move who lived in the trailer park, it wasn't right.

But there were two other Serpents who were above angry about it all.

"We shouldn't be forced to leave!" Sweet Pea snapped as I walked beside him on the way to school.

"None of its fair, where we suppose to go!?" Fangs muttered. "My family can't afford to move"

"The only place I got is out of town with my family...but I can't go back there" Sweet Pea groaned as his fists clenched.

"We'll sort it Sweets...don't worry" I sighed as I looked up at him. "I'm sure there's a way that will stop everyone from having to move"

"And if there isn't? Where are you and your family going to go!?" Sweet Pea questioned with a worried look.

"Toledo most likely. To join my mom" I muttered. "The woman that abandoned me"

"You don't like your mom?" Fangs questioned.

"She left me and Jughead. She ran off with our little sister and completely left us" I mumbled. "She turned her back on the family"

After school Jughead informed me that him, Betty, Archie and Veronica were going on a couple weekend away and it was my job to make sure nothing happened at home or sunny side trailer park while he was gone. He also added to make sure the serpents were under control.

"So Jughead's gone, how does finishing the other night sound?" Sweet Pea whispered in my ear as I followed him out of the school.

"Hm? Sounds perfect" I whispered back as he took my hand and we wondered back to his trailer.

We didn't even make it in the door before our lips crashed together. Fighting for each other's touch was powerful.
Sweet Pea pulled his Serpent Jacket off and myself done the same. One of Sweet Peas hands held my neck and another held my waist as he pushed me against the wall. I felt him against me and I smirked against his lips. My hands wrapped around his neck, my fingertips brushing against his dark hair. I breathed heavily against the kiss and Sweet Peas lips slowly pulled away.

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