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Chapter 14- New School

Once school opened back up after the break, Jughead was desperate to show me and Toni his new piece of work. We sat outside the doors of Southside High, Toni was reading snippets of it, full on shock filled her face as she finished.

"Wow, Jones, props to you. It's very Lovecraftian" Toni said, looking over to Jughead. "Which I'm sure was the intention" Toni sighed. "But I gotta ask you, did you write this thing on a typewriter?" I snickered. Toni smiled and Jughead went red.

"Well, uh..uh...I...Yeah, I wanted to get into Lovecraft's headspace" Jughead stuttered, being honest.

"The Typewriter he got from Betty for Christmas" I said teasingly. Toni laughed, Jughead snatched the story back, glaring at me.

"No comment" he muttered.

Suddenly, Sweet Pea and Fangs kicked the doors open, cheering loudly. I stood up quickly and so did Jughead.

"Whats going on?" Jughead asked. More students started crowding out of the doors, more cheering started.

"This hellhole's officially closed. No more Southside High" Sweet Pea replied. I walked over to him, he smiled at me. "We're done" he cheered putting his arm around my neck.

"What?" I questioned.

"How?" Toni asked.

"They say it's going to be quarantined. We're all going to different schools" Sweet Pea told us.

"This doesn't make sense. Where are you guys going?" Jughead asked.

"Same as you, and you, and you, and Fangs. We're going to Riverdale High" Sweet Pea said, looking from Jughead to me, to Toni and then to Fangs. Fangs punched him in the arm, they both smirked. "Think of all those Northside heads to knock!" Sweet Pea and Fangs shouted and laughed with each other before Sweet Pea took my hand and he took me to his motorcycle.

"So your really pumped about going to Riverdale High, hey" I said smiling.

"Of course, plus, you'll be there too, so it's even better!" Sweet Pea chuckled. He kissed my cheek and I blushed.


"Mayor McCoy had deemed Southside High a public health hazard due to toxic fumes from the methamphetamine lab in the basement" Jughead read from a paper as me and him sat in a booth at Pops while dad was on his shift. "There was no meth, just jingle-jangle"

"So, the worm turns, and it's back to Riverdale High, huh?" Dad sighed. "How you feeling about this, Natalie? New school" He asked patting my shoulder.

"I know a few Northsiders, at least you've attended the school before, Jug" I sighed. "Be thankful people already know you"

"Something smells fishy" Jughead mumbled.

"Damn straight, something smells fishy" Dad laughed. "You not wanting to admit the real reason you don't want to go back"

"What do you mean?" Jughead asked, looking up at dad. The bell to the front door of pops opened and Betty walked in.

"Oh, she just walked through the door" dad sighed. I laughed and smirked at Jughead, he slapped my arm, leading me to just death stare him. "Why don't you get another booth, Natalie, leave those two to, ease the air"

"Sure thing" I replied getting up. "Lover boy" I said smirking as I went to another booth.


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