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Chapter 2- Social Worker

The following day I awaited in a chair to get my serpent tattoo. Toni sat eagerly in a chair beside me as the guy prepared the tattoo gun. He glanced at me before speaking.

"Where would you like it?" He asked.

"My right shoulder" I answered. I wanted my tattoo somewhere people could see it.

"You got it" He nodded, getting to work on the tattoo.

An hour later, me and Toni walked out with the fresh ink on my shoulder.

"Damn it looks hot" Toni complimented as we walked.

"It is" I sighed.

"I'm so proud of you!" Toni cheered, hugging me tightly.

We headed back to school, arriving back near the end of lunch. We walked through to the cafeteria and Fangs waved us over. We sat down opposite Sweet Pea and Fangs and their faces filled with excitement as they impatiently waited to see my tattoo.

"Such children" I laughed as I pulled my jacket off and my tattoo was on show.

"Damn looking fine" Sweet Pea said smirking.

"Thank you Sweets" I said smiling back at him.

"You feeling like a Serpent yet?" Fangs asked me.

"Yeah!" I nodded. "Of course"

"Good" Sweet Pea said.

In English I was fiddling with my pencil, attempting to distract my aching boredom. I looked up at the front as the classroom door opened and the principal walked in, standing in the doorway as Mr Phillips walked over to him. They whispered to each other for a second before Mr Phillips turned back towards us.

"Natalie" He said. "A word"

I sighed, glancing at Sweet Pea and Fangs who looked at me with confused expressions and a little concern. I stood up and walked out of the classroom, following the principal to his office. I walked in and a women was sat in the room and I glanced at her confusingly.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"Miss Jones" The lady spoke. "I'm Ms Weiss, I'm from social services. I'm your case worker, along with your brothers"

"Oh" I mumbled. "Right"

"Natalie, I know the past two weeks have been rough for you but your father is facing serious jail time. Maybe life in jail. Your mom is out of state we just want to make sure your both in a safe environment and being taken care of" Ms Weiss said.

"I'm fine" I said. "I have places I don't need any help"

"Well, there is a family, here on the Southside that's offered to foster you and Jughead" Miss Weiss informed me.

"What?" I whispered.

"They are good people. Worked with us before" Ms Weiss added.

"What did Jughead say about this?" I asked.

"We still need to discuss the situation with him still" Ms Weiss answered. "I know living with your dad wasn't perfect. He was an alcoholic gang leader who had problems providing and caring for his family"

"My dads not a bad guy" I quickly snapped. "Everyone thinks he's a monster who killed a kid but he didn't do it"

"I'm not saying he did but he still is going to be in jail" Ms Weiss stated. "This family can provide things he couldn't"

Serpent Love|| Sweet Pea [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora