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Chapter 9- Street Race

"This isn't an alliance with the Ghoulies" I mumbled. "This is a hostile takeover"

"God, who knows how long Tall Boy has been planning on betraying us!" Jughead snapped. "Maybe we stall, just until Sweet Pea and Toni get out. I just hope they'd rather go to war with the Ghoulies than start dealing Jingle-Jangle"

"Hey!" I snapped at him. "Our dad would never sit back and let this happen, so neither am I"

"Okay. So what's the plan?" Jughead asked me.

"Maybe we should go and talk to dad" I suggested.

Jughead agreed with me and we made our way to the Prison which our dad was at. Once we sat down on the other side of the glass from him, we pulled the phones to our ears.

"Start from the beginning, kids" Dad sighed.

And there we told him everything. Every little detail.

"Hey, you can reprimand me for joining the Serpents later, but if we don't do something now, there will be no more Serpents. It'll just be the Ghoulies" Jughead spoke as Dad banged his fist on the metal table.

"Ghoulies dress like fops, but they're a nasty crew" Dad said. "The Serpents have survived worse, though. Much worse. The only hitch is, it sounds like you're outmanned, which means you gotta avoid bloodshed at all costs"

"Okay. So what do we do?" I asked.

"So, outshine them" Dad mumbled. "This is about territory. If there's one thing Ghoulies love, it's their crazy souped-up retro cars and hearses. You catch my Riverdale drift, kids? Challenge them to a Street Race, one-on-one. Keep it on the DL. It's illegal. It'll get you locked up"

"Go on..." Jughead whispered.

"Set the terms of the race" Dad whispered. "Their guy wins, the Serpents roll over"

"But if we win, the Ghoulies back off" I whispered back.

"And maybe you raise the stakes. Whoever win controls Southside High" Dad mumbled.

"We get rid of the Ghoulies and get rid of the Jingle-Jangle and get McCoy off our backs" Jughead said and Dad nodded and me and Jughead smiled at each other.

We left the prison and made our way back to the secret basement where the Ghoulies were making more drugs. We had a plan to meet back up with Malachai and this time, Archie tagged along. Though, he'd give me a glare every time our eyes met. I glanced around at the Ghoulies making drugs as Tall Boy sat down, watching us as Malachai came out from another room.

"Me and my sister wanna challenge you to a race" Jughead said to Malachai as we stood in their territory. "If we win, Serpents remain autonomous and you quit dealing at Southside High"

"And if we win?" Malachai asked.

"We fold" I shrugged as I stepped in front of Jughead. "And you can continue polluting the Southside with your little straws of death"

"So, the mighty Serpent Princess has some stones, but not much else" Malachai sighed. "So, unless your Highness wants to put some of Daddy's territory on the table, I got no reason to agree to a race"

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