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Chapter 20- How To Hide A Body

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Sweet Pea asked me as we sat up on his bed.

"Which movie?" I asked with a smile.

"Whatever movie you want" Sweet Pea sighed as he brought his hand to my chin and he pulled my head forwards so our lips were almost together.

"You choose..." I whispered.

Sweet Pea placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. "Doesn't have to be a movie..."

He pulled me onto his lap and he smirked up at me. One of his hands held my waist and the other was on my cheek as he kissed me again. The kisses became rough and sloppy as we became heated in the moment. Soft groans left our lips as they parted and just as Sweet Pea pulled my Serpent Jacket off my phone started to ring in the pocket. He rolled his eyes with an annoyed mutter and I pulled my phone out, answering it.

"Betty? What's up?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you..." Betty whispered down the phone. She sounded like she'd been crying.

"Okay, yeah sure" I replied.

"Meet me at mine" Betty added before the line cut. Sweet Pea pulled my face around by my chin so I was looking at him.

"You okay?" He questioned.

"Sweets I need to go. Betty needs me" I sighed as I got off his lap and stood by his trailer door.

"Seriously!?" Sweet Pea groaned as he stood up.

"I'm really sorry" I apologised as I looked at him with guilt filling my eyes.

"Sure whatever" Sweet Pea sighed.

"I'll be back soon. I promise" I whispered as I kissed his lips once more and then I left.

I chose to walk to Betty's and as I was walking I spotted Betty and Jughead sitting on the steps. Jughead looked petrified.

"You told him didn't you?" I sighed as I stood in front of them.

"You knew and you didn't tell me!?" Jughead snapped in a voice of panic.

"I told her not to. I wanted to tell you" Betty sighed.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned.

I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm just obsessing over this shady man. His phone and his life" Betty told us. "Meanwhile, my moms acting like it never even happened. God, why didn't I just call the police!?"

"You still can, Betty" Jughead burst as he stood up.

"You know you probably should" I sighed.

"And say what?" Betty asked looking up at us both.

Suddenly a strange car pulled up with orange flashing lights and a figure appeared in the window.

"Hey do any of you know the owner of that car?" They asked as they referred to the car of the sketchy man. "Been there since day before yesterday. Neighbours complaint"

"Yeah, sorry, officer. That's my car. I just can't find my keys" Jughead lied.

"Streets being cleaned tomorrow a.m. I'm going around the block. If it's still there in five minutes, your getting a ticket" The person said before driving away.

"Now what do we do?" I asked.

"How fast can you Hotwire a car?" Jughead questioned.

And so me, Jughead and Betty took the car and dumped it in the lake. It wasn't easy. The car was heavy and to do it in the dark was harder.

"Norman Bates made it look so easy" Jughead groaned as he pushed the car. Finally the car was sinking into the water and we watched as it done so.

"This is crazy...how long does it take for a car to sink!?" I whispered as we watched as the car done nothing but float. However soon enough it began to sink below the water. Disappearing into the dark.

"His phone too" Jughead said. "Betty, his phone"

"Oh" Betty pulled the phone out of her pocket and she threw it into the lake and that too sunk down into the darkness.

Later on as me and Jughead arrived home I looked at him with a worried look.

"Are we going to tell dad?" I asked before opening the door.

"We might have to...this is serious" Jughead sighed.

However we kept quite that night. Awakening the next morning with a sickening feeling wasn't great. It was beginning to feel overwhelming. The body, the car and the phone. Jughead and I kept quiet through the day but as I walked through the door that evening, it seemed to be that Jughead had revealed everything.

"You told!?" I snapped under my breath.

"And it's a good thing he did" Dad spat just before there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Alice Cooper and Betty were stood at the door. Dad appeared beside me quickly and stopped her from talking.


"Save it Alice. Jughead just told me. All of it" Dad said as he looked back at me and Jughead. "I won't let the four of you make the same mistake I made with Jason Blossom. Come on"

Alice and Betty walked in and dad closed the door behind them. It was a blur really the whole conversation but dad offered to go and bury the body deep into the woods where no one would be able to find it. Then he'd meet me, Jughead, Betty and Alice at Pops. For us, we just had to act normal like nothings happening.

And that's what we did. Sitting around a booth at pops, milkshakes around us, acting like everything was perfectly fine. But when my brothers hand was tightly holding mine as both of us began to feel the same worry for our father, things became difficult to hide. Though all was calmed as the front door bell of pops rang and in walked dad. He looked exhausted and his face was filling with horror but he was attempting to hide it. He sat the other side of me and Alice pushed a milkshake towards him.

"It's done..." dad whispered as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Jeez. Dad, you reek" Jughead whispered back.

"It's the sodium hydroxide. In a week, there'll be nothing left. Not even his teeth" Dad sighed.

Alice looked almost like she was about burst into tears as Betty rubbed her back. Jughead looked at me with a worried look but I sighed as I leaned back with an aching pain.

"Thank you, FP, and I'm sorry for involving Betty, and that she pulled Jughead and Natalie into this" Alice whispered between gasps for air as tears ran down her cheeks. Dads hand joined hers as Jughead's head rested on my shoulder.

"We take care of our own" Dad said with a nod. "The circle ends here. No more loose ends" Everyone nodded slowly.

With the real criminal relaxing back at the Cooper house while the others who had been dragged in were dealing with the consequences and job of acting innocent, I was surprised how Betty was able to live at home when Chic was walking quite happily around her home. A murderer. A monster.

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