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Chapter 15- Serpents

The next day, me and Jughead walked back into the walls of Riverdale High, Jughead was without his Serpent Jacket and so was I. We walked into the Student Lounge and we straight up noticed all the Serpents in Riverdale High Uniforms. I smirked at Sweet Pea wearing a turtle neck shirt, holding back my laughter I kept my hand over my mouth.

"What the hell? Guys?" Jughead sighed. Toni huffed and her and Sweet Pea walked over.

"Weatherbee gave them to us. Said he understands that not every Southside student had the means to purchase Riverdale High-acceptable clothes. He thinks this will help us fit in" Toni sighed. Sweet Pea nodded and Jughead rolled his eyes.

"Wheres Fogarty?" I asked looking around.

"He wouldn't wear the uniform. So, they got rid of him. Suspended him" Sweet Pea replied to me.

"So our choices are conform or be cast out" Jughead mumbled.

"Yeah" Toni sighed.

"Great" I scoffed. Sweet Pea took my hand and we left the Student Lounge. We walked over to our lockers and stopped. I held my back to my locker, Sweet Pea being his usual dominating self, looked down at me, his eyes filling with lust and frustration.

Then I burst out with a big smile whilst Sweet Pea glared at me.

"Sorry!" I laughed. "You look so funny in that stupid uniform"

"Haha. Very funny Nat" Sweet Pea scoffed. "Wonder how hot you'll be in a skirt, hey" he smirked. I felt my cheeks go red and I rolled my eyes. "Not so funny is it"

"Fine. Jerk face" I replied turning to open my locker. Sweet Peas strong arms spun me back round and my back slammed into the locker.

"Watch that pretty little mouth of yours, Princess" Sweet Pea whispered in my ear. I smirked back at him.

"Or what?" I questioned innocently. Deeply, I loved teasing Sweet Pea. It turned him on and flustered me, and I loved seeing his reactions to my teasing quotes. "Hm, Sweet Pea?" I bit my lip and he scoffed.

"Your entering a dangerous path, Jones. I could have you screaming my name in seconds" Sweet Pea commented. He stepped back from me and walked away, chuckling under his breathe.

I turned my back, smirking. I opened my locker and the sound of approaching footsteps loudened, until I had my back shoved to my locker yet again, this time, by none other than, Reggie Mantle.

"My, my, your even more gorgeous close up" Reggie said, his lips forming a slight smirk.

"What do you want, Mantle!?" I snapped trying to push him off of me. He wouldn't budge.

"You. I want you, to give me a chance darling" He whispered into my ear. I felt a mix of confusion and disgust.

"Yeah. Not going to happen 'Darling', thanks" I replied, finally pushing him away. He looked at me, completely surprised. I glared at him and he laughed.

"Of course. You chose the big, scary Serpent, over someone like me. Pathetic" He snarled.

"Yep, yeah I did. And?" I questioned grabbing the book from my locker and closing it.

"Are you not going to even give me a chance?" Reggie questioned as I went to walk away.

"No, Reggie. So fuck off!" I snapped. I walked away and I went round a corner, feeling hands grab my waist, I went to scream but the single hand covered my mouth. I spun around and looked up into Sweet Peas soft eyes. I sighed relived and he smiled.

"You look hot, turning down a jerk like Mantle" he said smirking. I knew he was getting jealous and I found it funny.

"Yeah no need to be jealous, darling" I said yet in a teasing voice.

Sweet Pea smirked and he stood by me as I got my stuff and he walked me to my next class to keep me away from any of the Bulldogs.


The next day, me and Jughead had the stupid uniform on. Jughead had planned a club for the Serpents and I sat down beside Sweet Pea, him grinning at me.

"Shut up" I whispered as his smirk kept growing.

"You look hot in that uniform" Sweet Pea commented, his eyes looking me up and down. His hand placed on my waist and he pulled me into a kiss.

"Watch it Sweet Pea!" Jughead yelled as I pulled away slightly from the kiss. Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes at Jughead and pulled me into another kiss just to annoy Jughead. Jughead sighed, crossing his arms.

"Whatever" Sweet Pea scoffed. I lightly punched Sweet Peas arm as I sat back down. Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around my waist and I smiled.

"Anyways, welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Swords and Serpents Club" Jughead sighed as he looked around at us all.

"Which is what, exactly?" Toni questioned.

"Like I told Fogarty to lure him back to dear old Riverdale, we are a gaming group, sanctioned by Mr. Weatherbee, himself. Where like-minded students can meet and concoct world-building, role-playing scenarios, inhabiting fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures" Jughead responded.

"Oh how fun" I sighed sarcastically as Jughead scoffed at me.

"No, but really" Toni sighed.

"It's a club. For us. A safe haven where we can be Serpents, in school hours, under everyone's noses" I said, looking at Toni and then to Jughead who nodded.

"We won't shed our skins. We're lying low, on the tall grass" Jughead told us all. "And also I'll try make sure to try to stop these uniforms, speak to Weatherbee. But for the time now, we are a gaming group. Nothing more"

Once most of the Serpents had left Jughead looked at me with a worried look.

"You seem to always have a plan brother" I sighed as I stepped towards him.

"I do, in fact, I have plans for separating you and mr lover" Jughead responded pointing to Sweet Pea who awaited by the door.

I scoffed. "Yeah whatever"

"Hurt her and your dead Sweet Pea" Jughead threatened as I walked over to Sweet Pea.

"Seriously!" I snapped with a smile as Sweet Pea took my hand and we walked down the corridors of Riverdale High.

And that was it. The Serpents weren't going down easily within the walls of Riverdale High. Jughead refused to allow us to shed our skins and as his sister I stood by him. I just hoped he wouldn't cause trouble for himself again.

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