"You're so needy." Harry motions his finger close to his mouth as if he's barfing.

"Please please please." Zayn groans.

Zayn could always go on his own, but he didn't enjoy going alone. He liked having someone there whether if be Harry, his sisters, or even his parents.

"Are you going to get me lunch then since it's at noon?" Harry quirks his brow.

"Duh." Zayn states obviously.

"Cool then we're on." Harry begins to type some notes.

They sit in silence for a bit, both typing away at their studies when Zayn's phone rings.

"Hello?" Zayn picks up.

Trisha: "Zaynie how's your morning going.
Zayn: "Its going good mom. Just here with Harold grabbing some coffee. What's up?"
Trisha: That's good sweetie! Tell him I said hi. What are your plans for tonight? Your father and I want to have dinner with you."
Zayn: "I was going to be at the library studying, but I can study after dinner when I get back to mine. I'll tell Haz to come ton-" Zayn tries to finish his sentence but gets cut off by his mother
Trisha: "Actually Zaynie we were hoping it would just be you tonight. Your father and I have some uh- news to tell you."
Zayn can sense the slight hesitation in his mother's voice.
Zayn: "Umm sure... what about?"
Trisha: "Oh it is much too difficult to explain over the telephone. We'll see you tonight then yeah?" Trisha hums.
Zayn: "Yes mother. See you tonight." He says nonchalantly.
Trisha: "Perfect! Love you Zaynie! Remember to tell Harold I said hi!" She says eagerly then hangs up the phone ending this conversation.

Zayn seems confused for a bit then tucks his phone in his pocket. Harry had heard the part about him get cut off so he was curious as to what caused Zayn to stop mid sentence. He caught a glimpse of Zayn's confused face as well so he began to ask.

"Who was that?" Harry questions the dark haired boy.

"My mom. Told me to tell you hi." He shrugs it off.

"What else did she say. I heard you say something about inviting me" Harry states as he shuts his laptop done with his pre class preparations.

"Oh she just said she had to tell me something at dinner. Kinda a more private thing I guess." Zayn brushes it off as he packs his bag getting ready for class.

Harry grows a little skeptical at his friends words and actions. "Hey are you okay? You seem tense."

Zayn scoffs "Me? No I'm fine why do you ask?" Zayn makes his way to the door."

Harry growing real suspicious stops his friend by the shoulder. "Zayn. I've known you for the past three years. You get really antsy when something is bothering you."

Zayn sighs heavily. Of course he couldn't hide anything from Harry. "I don't know. I guess I'm just anxious with Liam being the head of the company now. What if he fires me or something? My parents want to talk to me about something important because I couldn't have you there so it's something big. What if Liam already ended my contract. I don't even know why he would but you know he doesn't like me so out of spite maybe he ju-" Zayn starts rambling out everything that had been bothering from the nights events to this morning when he woke up.

"Woah woah wait. You seriously think he'd fire you already? I'd give it at least a couple days before he did that." He says jokingly. Zayn just widens his eyes. "Mate seriously calm down. Is him taking over seriously bothering you this much?"

The Contract Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon