Zayn was a mess. He was avoiding Liam. He wasn't scared of him just nervous. "Excuse me" he says to another model friend to get away from an approaching Liam.

If he was being completely honest he still longed to be accepted by Liam. Over the years he's tried and always failed. He's not sure why Liam hated him so much. They've never had more than 5 minutes with each other without one of them getting snappy.

He then walks to the men's room to collect himself. Luckily the party is in full swing so the washroom is empty. He proceeds to the adjacent lounge area and takes a seat on the plush ottoman.

The door to the washroom opens but Zayn is too deep in thought to care.

"Oh" a voice says. A voice that belongs to no other than the man who had him in the washroom contemplating life in the first place.

Zayn looks up and he swears the tie around his neck is getting tighter. "Sorry I was just uhh-" he says about to get up.

"Actually I was looking for you" Liam says.

"Me?" Zayn is dumbfounded right now. Why would Liam be looking for him he questioned.

"Yes you. I have to congratulate my top model on his latest accomplishment don't I." Liam smirks.

Who the hell does Liam think he is? Saying "MY top model" it hasn't even been 15 minutes since his dad made the announcement and he's already being treated like some property.

"My?" Zayn asks annoyed.

"Well it is MY company now isn't it, and you are the top model of MY agency." He said so demeaning

Zayn was standing there baffled. He couldn't tell if Liam had a little too much to drink, but then he remembered he didn't drink. He only knew that because of the endless events he attended with him. Not that he knew everything about Liam.

"You're an ass." He proceeded to leave and push past Liams shoulder.

Liam didn't budge. Zayn had a smaller frame than him so his attempt at a shove didn't turn out so well. He just stumbled his own-self and walked out of the washroom. With a scoff Liam proceeded to do his business.

As the night came to a close it was only a Wednesday so the event didn't last too late. With Zayn having class the next morning though he bid his farewells earlier. He stopped by his parents table, then to some of his colleagues, and finally the Payne's table. Luckily Liam wasn't there so he sighed in relief.

"Zayn My boy!" Said Mr. Payne. He could tell he was a little more than tipsy.

"Hi Mr. Payne!" He hugs the man. "Thank you for a wonderful night but I'm going to head back to my loft. I've got class tomorrow." He says sheepishly.

He knows his choice to pursue college was one not everyone understood. He was a famous model from the time he was 16 so why would he go to school? Half the models at the agency didn't go. Modeling was their first priority.

His decision was to venture out into the scene. He'd only been to private school, and saw the same kids since he started. Not many new people came through.

At university no one really cared Zayn was a model. They treated him like Zayn the famous model who just so happened to be taking classes. Occasionally there was the usual fan girling, but nothing Zayn got bothered about.

Geoff laughs. "Aahh Zayn. Always working so hard! Everyone this boy right here has done me so proud!" He says to a couple of business men sitting at his table.

Zayn starts to blush and chuckle. "Thank you sir! I'm glad I can make you proud."

"Honey let the boy go! You're embarrassing him" Karen says in a playful but light delicate voice. She turns to Zayn. "Congratulations Zayn!" She pats his hand.

Zayn smiles at her. She's always been so soft towards him. He cares for her just like his own mother.

"Oh alright! I'll see you later son!" Geoff finally gives Zayn a good pat on the back then continues to talk strategy with the business men.


Zayn let's out a sigh as he enters his loft. It was a really eventful night. He started thinking back to Liam and shook it off immediately. That encounter was too weird. That's probably the most they had ever spoke to each other and Liam was claiming Zayn as his. He changes and gets ready for for bed but not before messaging his best friend from uni.

Zayn: Hey! Sorry I was at the event 🙃

Haz: DUDE. I saw Kendall was there and man I wanted to crash it so bad. 🥵

Zayn: Ugh why didn't you. She loves you. Anyway it was so weird😭 so many things happened haz! 🥲

Has: bro don't tell me that 😔 and Spill...

Zayn: It's way too much to type I'm going to send an audio message.🥺✌🏼

He proceeds to explain all of his encounters at the event but mostly highlights on the Liam part and also Geoffs big announcement.


Zayn: YES!

Haz: BESIDES THAT... I'm not surprised. You know how I feel about Liam. 😏

Zayn let's out a long sigh something he has been doing all evening.

When Zayn befriended Harold he got really comfortable with the lad. They had a lecture together their freshman year and instantly clicked. He was his first official friend in the real world, and Zayn loved it.

He often spoiled Harry which always led to him declining. Harry was well off. Though he wasn't as rich and didn't have a high social status like Zayn, his parents owned an art gallery in London and were comfortable.

Harry was "edgy" as Zayn called it. Everyone who came across Harry loved him. They confided in each other a lot.

It was one event Harry was dragged by the model to meet all of his family and friends. This scene was new to Harry. He was more reserved, but when it came to his new best friend he wanted to impress. It was there he met Kendall and fell in love with her. She was fond of him too but always played hard to get which Harry adored.

Then he met Zayn's family which they instantly welcomed the boy. He met the Payne's next. He felt they were more tense, but otherwise always made conversation when he could with them. Finally Liam. When he met Liam it was a rather harsh greeting.

Harry had bumped into Liam while he had a punch in his hand and spilled it all over Liams shirt. Liam being the hot headed alpha male he is grabbed Harry by the collar and told him to watch where he was going. Harry apologized as Zayn came to his rescue.

It was then Harry saw how Liam treated Zayn first hand. He believed Liam liked Zayn. After the event Zayn took Harry to eat and it was there Harry told him about his speculations. Zayn in disbelief was confused because "How could he possibly like me, he hates me." Said Zayn eating his meal. To this day Harry thinks the same and will never let it go.

Zayn stares at the ceiling remembering the whole incident then proceeds to text Harry.

Zayn: How many times do I have to tell you. HE. DOES. NOT. LIKE. ME. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Haz: Oh pls. Save it.😤 No one just genuinely hates someone like that. I've seen the way you guys encounter each other. It's like sexual tension to the max. 🤮

Zayn: Whatever... anyways I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Starbz??😇

Haz: You act like you give me an option. 🤔

Zayn: Cool! Meet yah there! 🥰 GN EDWARD

Haz: BYE. Never say that again. Gn🙄

With that Zayn puts his phone to charge, closes his eyes, and drifts away to sleep.

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