Chapter 31 - That Deeply Broken Thing

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to feed you and then take you upstairs," I breathlessly speak. She nods her head, smirking. "What's that smirk for?" I question. "Do you assume that I am going to fuck you?" I question. Her smirk then widens.

"Well, if you don't want to then that's—" I stop her from finishing her sentence when I slam my body against hers. I hold her close, leaning in to kiss her lips once again, this time, with an even more dominant need. I take them like I own them because I do. I own every part of her. Every fucking part.

"Oh, I want to fuck you," I strongly admit. "To completion this time," I say.

"Then do it," she provokes. A wide smirk pulls across my lips as I gaze at her in excitement and awe. I turn around and walk towards the refrigerator. I open it, pulling out last night's leftovers.

"What's that?" she asks as I place some food on a plate.

"Something quick," I answer. Sorry sweetheart. No gourmet meal for you. Not when I am eager to find myself deep inside you again. I place the plate into the microwave to warm and then turn around, leaning back against the counter with hands on the edge. While her food warms, Clara and I wait, both our deep stares never gazing away from one another. The microwave then beeps, and I turn to pull the plate out. I bring it to her, setting it down beside her.

"I need utensils," she says. I smirk and then go to fetch her utensils. I bring them to her, and she quickly takes them from my hand, stabs at a meatball, brings it to her wide-open mouth and then bites a big chunk out of it.

"Mmmh. That is so good," she moans behind closed eyes.

"If I knew you'd love my balls in your mouth that much, I would have made you gobble them sooner," I tell her. Her eyes open, growing big.

"What?' she questions with a mouth full of food.

"You heard me," I tell her, while smirking big.

"I see you're still the dirty man you once were," she states.

"I told you I was the same man." Clara smiles behind closed lips while chewing and then swallows. "I'm going to need a napkin. And something to drink," she adds.

"Still so demanding," I tease. I chuckle, shaking my head. Normal. This is our normal and I love everything about it. I walk away, grabbing a napkin before fetching her a drink.

"Would you prefer water or some fine Swedish wine?" I ask, while standing in front of the wine rack.

"I can't drink alcohol," she states, and I look over my shoulder, staring back at her, smirking.

"Why? Don't feel like getting drunk with your husband to celebrate our reunion?" I ask, yet she does not answer right away but pauses, her eyes growing big.

"What? What is it?" I ask, now worried by her frozen expression.

"I can't drink wine because I'm pregnant, Jakob," she comes right out and states, and I freeze, allowing the bottle of wine to slip from my hand, and shatter against the ground.

"What?" my faint voice speaks.

"I might be. I don't know for sure yet. I'm late though," she tells me.

"How late?" I ask.

"Two months or so," she states.

"It could be from stress. It's happened before. After your mom— Stress stalls your period," I tell her, coming up with any other explanation than the one my mind already knows of.

"Jakob... I don't think it's from stress," she says.

"No. No, of course not because it's from my brother's cock," I reply. Fucking Edvin. My own brother got my wife pregnant when I could not. Leave it to him. Leave it to fucking him. I turn away, covering my mouth quick when I release a broken breath. I'm smiling behind my palm. For Tyr's sake. I'm fucking smiling but in not in happiness but from— Shock? I don't know what this feeling is but it's not good. It doesn't make me feel good at all.

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