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DAYS PASSED, BUT STILL, HANNA CONTINUED TO GO TO THE DANCE STUDIO. She hadn't given up just yet, continuing to dance for Derrick. Hanna made a promise to herself to continue dancing for as long as she could. She made a promise to herself to perform and honor the promises she had made with Derrick a while back.

Hanna made her way to the dance studio as she would any other day. She left her office a few minutes back to head to the studio around five. Even though Derrick didn't wait for her, Hanna found it a habit to reach the studio before five. She didn't try to race to the studio to be there before five either. It was purely out of habit that she left her office at four to head to the studio.

It didn't hurt to practice extra anyway.

Hanna's thoughts flooded her as they usually did while she walked through the streets. She didn't need to think twice as she strolled, the directions coming to her like an instinct. She only followed her muscle memory, knowing she'd reach the studio sooner or later.

The city appeared to be just as lively as always, the city chatter continuing to ripple through the streets. Hanna preferred the noise. Anything was much better than the quiet silence that surrounded the dance studio. It made Hanna feel alone, as if not a single person cared about her.

The fifteen-minute walk passed by within no time. Hanna didn't even notice that she had arrived in front of the dance studio as her thoughts rambled, unable to stop criticizing her.

Hanna happened to notice the architecture of the building again today. She didn't know why it appealed to her so much. Maybe that was why so many people chose to dance at this specific studio. The architecture lured people in, making them want to dance with the simplistic modern design scattered with intricate features.

Hanna loved the design more than anything. It gave the studio such a friendly atmosphere, making it seem like it would give her a lot of peace. She remembered how she kept returning to the studio when she first met both Roy and Derrick. Hanna never danced then, only visiting the studio for a peace of mind.

Hanna shook her head, a light chuckle as she pulled the key from her pocket, opening the door after unlocking it.

As Hanna stepped into the dance studio, she noticed the bright lights flashing from the ceiling, the yellow rays meeting her upon entry. The studio seemed warmer than ever before, the lights making it seem as if she wasn't the only one inside the building.

Hanna knew she didn't leave the lights on last night. Someone else had to be here, waiting for her.

A part of her wanted it to be Derrick.

Hanna knew it couldn't be Derrick though, her heart tore at the thought of it not being him. She could remember how she would run her after work, excited to meet Derrick. Her smile wouldn't leave as she grabbed the door handle running inside to meet the blonde-haired man she had gotten close to.

Hanna's eyes would light up upon finding him just nearby.

"Derrick!" She'd call him over, chirping.

His gaze would meet hers as soon as he heard her voice. Then he'd turn to face her, a smile just as bright as hers.

"Hanna!" His deep voice would echo inside the studio, "You're here."

Hanna would beam at him, her head bobbing upon noticing him. They were each other's home—each other's entire world.

Never had the dance studio been the same without Derrick. His voice didn't boom around the studio, cheering on the other dancers when they took breaks. The smile that once filled the studio vanished, no bright sun to keep the studio happy and running free.

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