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HANNA SHOOK HER HEAD IN DENIAL. Jackson didn't leave Hanna; he wouldn't leave her, not now at least. They had just met each other again. Hanna pressed her lips together, staring into her empty apartment. She blinked twice, unable to process bitter reality.

"Hanna, you're hilarious. Did you think he'd actually stay? Do you think he cares for you?"

Hanna's jaw tightened. Jackson didn't care for her; nobody did. Hanna sighed. No matter how much she searched, her apartment was empty.

She tried to keep hope that he had just gotten busy, but her mind wouldn't let her dream.

After reality settled in Hanna, picked up an emerald green purse from her closet, embellished with gems. It matched with the dress Jackson had picked out for her. Hanna tossed her phone, a few wads of cash, and her apartment keys inside her purse before she rushed out of the apartment in search of a cab.

Hanna waited in the streets watching as each vehicle zoomed past her. The icy coldness of the winter breezes didn't freeze Hanna despite wearing the short dress. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts once more.

After minutes of waiting, a cab zoomed past her, and Hanna hitched a ride. She opened her purse, handing the cash to the driver on her way inside, telling them the destination. Hanna pulled the seatbelt over her and fixed her gaze out the window. She stared at the trees that passed by her. Her fingers grazed the frosted glass windows as she left reality, escaping into the deep dark depths of her mind.

Hanna didn't have much in mind, only thoughts that floated around. She tried her best to keep them locked down, but they always escaped. Hanna's insecurities began to wreak havoc as time passed.

"Oh, Hanna, do you really think you won't make a fool of yourself tonight?"

Hanna hustled back her fears. She bit her lip—hard. Hanna always made a fool of herself, especially when she didn't want to. No one could do that better than Hanna herself. Her insecurities flourished the entire way towards the bar.

As the cab halted to a stop, Hanna thanked the driver before the cold air outside iced her skin. Hanna made her way to the restricted door, flashing her ID towards the guard.

The door opened with the quiet, hushed nod of the guard. Hanna entered as the smell of sweat and smoke swarmed her. The bitter, choking smell wafted its way into Hanna's lungs.

The bar was deafening—loud conversations, ear-piercing music, things Hanna couldn't stand. Hanna only wished to be able to melt into the environment. Her eyes drifted around the lit room, fixing onto the tinkle of glasses on the counter.

Hanna patted down her dress, smoothing down the emerald green fabric glued to her skin. She walked further into the musky odor. Hanna's eyes darted around, scanning for anyone familiar. Her stare held onto the dance floor, where she longed to be.

There wasn't anyone she recognized inside.

Hanna's wrist flipped. She glanced at her watch, checking the time. It was five, the exact time she needed to arrive. Hanna stepped into the abyss of sweat. Her eyes were wide opened as she scanned for familiar faces.

"HANNA!" a scream shouted from behind her, "YOU MADE IT!"

Hanna's head snapped towards the shriek. A wispy smile fell over her features as she noticed the brunette behind her.

"Skye!" Hanna's smile brightened, "You look amazing."

Skye broke into hushed giggles at Hanna's remark. She hit Hanna's back, flustered.

Her eyes fell towards Hanna's dazzling dress. She hadn't seen Hanna wear a dress this eyecatching before. Her heart fluttered at Hanna's will to try new things out.

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