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HANNA KEPT HERSELF LATCHED TO DERRICK. She didn't move her arms as her tears fell stronger than ever. Hanna couldn't stop them this time, nor did she try to. She let her tears flow like a waterfall, keeping herself attached to him.

Hanna found it oddly easy to let out everything inside her when she was with him. She couldn't hide her broken heart from Derrick. He made it so easy for Hanna to let go of the tears she held back all these years. Hanna had no fear of crying around him. She knew he wouldn't say anything. Derrick would let Hanna's emotions free themselves before talking to her. He wouldn't say a word until Hanna was fine with it.

He'd ask no questions.

Hanna didn't mind crying for once. She didn't mind letting her emotions run free and wild. It was okay for her to let her tears run from her eyes. Hanna knew she couldn't always fake being happy. Derrick could see through her.

There was no point in her trying to hide her tears.

Hanna only held onto him tighter, her arms barely being able to lock around him as she wet his shirt with her tears.

She didn't let go.

And neither did he.

Derrick's arms locked around Hanna, cradling her almost. He didn't dare to let her go as she rested her head in the crook of his neck. He didn't mind that Hanna was wetting his shirt. Derrick only wanted Hanna to completely empty herself before letting go because it hurt him just as badly to see her like this.

Hanna's smile had long left her lips, an empty but sad gaze held in her eyes. Her red eyes that brimmed with tears didn't leave his memory either. It broke him to see her so broken and so afraid.

"Hanna, I won't let go of you." Derrick paused, keeping his arms locked around her, "I promise."

Derrick rubbed her back softly as Hanna seemed to cry harder. She didn't stop at all with Derrick's words. In fact, they made her feel more broken.

She had failed in front of someone that cared so much for her.

And Hanna cried.

She cried for longer until no tears came out. She cried until only soft whimpers remained, along with her sniffles.

It was only then she left Derrick's hold. She allowed him to let go of her, his warmth leaving her as quickly as it came. All of a sudden, the emptiness returned to her—an emptiness she didn't want at all. Hanna wanted to hug him again, for him to hold her in his embrace.

She wanted his company again.

Hanna couldn't stand this emptiness. She couldn't stand being alone. It didn't feel right at all for her.

Hanna's soft but hazy eyes met Derrick's harder ones.

Derrick ruffled Hanna's hair letting a wisp of a smile cross his lips. He'd do anything to make sure everything got better again. He would make sure Hanna smiled again. He nodded at her, making sure to look straight into her dark brown eyes with a warm stare. His eyes held so much love as he spoke.

"Hanna, I promise I'll never leave you. I'll stay here right by your side."

Hanna had never seen eyes that loving and a gaze so warm before. No matter how confident Derrick's voice sounded. Hanna couldn't believe his words fully. Maybe it was because she had been broken so many times before that she couldn't trust he'd stay.

Wouldn't he get tired of her one day too?

"Forever?" Hanna looked up towards him, "Do you promise you'll stay with me forever."

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