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HANNA DIDN'T HAVE IT IN HER TO VISIT THE DANCE STUDIO TODAY. She didn't even want to leave the comfort of her bed covers. They acted as a warm hug when she wrapped the thick, comforting layers over her, letting the blankets encase her like a cocoon. Hanna didn't want to leave the dreamland where everything was perfect. She didn't want to leave the place that felt more like home than anything else.

At least when she dreamed, she didn't have to remember reality. She could imagine things, wishing that they'd be real someday. She could keep her hopes high as she dreamed, finding herself in a world where life's struggles didn't matter anymore.

But Hanna had no other choice except to make her way to the dance studio. She didn't want to cancel on Derrick again, considering she had done so yesterday. If Hanna had chosen to bail on Derrick again, what would he think?

Derrick most likely saw Hanna far dumber than before. Especially after the conversation on Saturday. She didn't want him to have a worse opinion of her because she skipped the dance practice.

Hanna pinched the crook of her nose, plopping away from the couch to get herself ready. After her quick internal debate, it didn't take long at all for her to get ready.

Once she did get ready, Hanna grabbed a small bag, throwing her water bottle, phone and wallet inside. Hanna didn't take much, only the necessities.

Hanna left her apartment in around a few minutes, quickly rushing to the studio around fifteen minutes away from her apartment. She nearly sprinted through the streets, afraid to be late, even though she didn't want to go to the studio in the first place.

Hanna found herself in front of the massive studio in almost no time, staring at its architecture.

Today, however, it didn't seem as appealing to her as on an average day. The sleek modern architecture wouldn't call out to her. In fact, the building seemed like any other building today, sitting on the corner of the road, standing tall just as usual. It wasn't anything special or anything out of the ordinary.

But for some reason, Hanna continued to stare at it, delaying her entrance into the dance studio. She knew that Derrick would be waiting for her, but Hanna didn't feel like dancing today. She didn't want to do anything but sleep for as long as she could, staying in the dreamland she made and escaping from a reality she was forced to be in. Hanna would much prefer to dream forever than live her life today.

She let out a quiet sigh, letting out a slight eye roll as she thought about dancing. Hanna didn't hate dancing, she loved it, but today she didn't want to release her emotions by dancing.

Hanna had no other choice, though. She had told Derrick she'd be here at five. With a quick glance of her wristwatch, Hanna could tell that it was far later than five. She knew she couldn't delay, waiting outside for much longer.

Hanna held her breath, reaching her hand out to grab the doorknob. She pulled the door open as soon as she held the handle, a cool gush of air rushing towards her.

Hanna's eyes passed by Roy, seeing that he was working on paperwork. Hanna assumed that he was getting both his and Derrick's work things done during this time. Hanna didn't want to disturb or distract him, but it didn't matter. Roy had already noticed Hanna.

Roy pushed his glasses to the top of his head, his head lifting from his papers.

"Hanna, Derricks in the same practice room as always."

Hanna bobbed her head, pressing her lips into a tight smile to let Roy know she was doing fine even when she was doing anything but fine. She couldn't bother Roy with her dumb problems anyway.

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