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HANNA MADE HER WAY TO THE STUDIO AS SOON AS THE SUN SHINED. Before the sun crept through the gray fog, she had already made it to the place she had begun to see as a second home. It became an instinct to head there even if they weren't going to rehearse at all.

Derrick had asked her to meet him there even though they had intended not to practice today. Hanna still couldn't completely understand Derrick's viewpoint yet. She couldn't fathom how skipping rehearsing would relieve any stress she had the day before, but she chose to trust his judgment.

Hanna let her thoughts continue to blossom, walking to the studio with a hesitant smile. Today, she couldn't stop her anxious thoughts. They floated around, bickering as usual.

Maybe it was because skipping a practice was so unusual that her thoughts couldn't handle the schedule change?

Hanna didn't know herself. She bit her lip, keeping her stride as consistent as possible. She just needed to make it to the studio, then she would be at peace. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, brushing the tinier hairs away.

It didn't take that long for her to reach the studio. In fact, Hanna arrived there within a few minutes of walking. The sleek modern architecture of the studio came to her view in no time.

Derrick stood by the studio, his eyes focused on his phone while waiting for her.

Hanna's lips painted into a friendly smile, noticing his blonde hair. She waved to him, calling out his name. Derrick's gaze fell towards her at the sound of her voice, his lips falling into a slight grin seeing that she had finally arrived.

"Hanna!" Derrick's voice rose as he called her over, "You're here!"

Hanna chuckled softly, staring at the studio. She couldn't tear her gaze away from it, unable to believe that they weren't going to practice at all today.

"Are we still going to skip rehearsing today?"

Hanna didn't know why she had asked the question at all. She knew even before Derrick's reassuring nod that they weren't going to practice. Derrick wasn't someone to change his mind often. He tended to be confident with his decisions.

Hanna sighed. Her gaze fell to the floor, uneasy.

"It feels so weird not rehearsing right before the big day." Hanna shook her head, taking a look around her surroundings.

It didn't feel right at all to her. She itched to just get on the floor and dance, practice for as long as she can. She wanted to rehearse for hours on end, ensuring that all the finishing touches were in place. Hanna needed to ensure everything would go just as well as she hoped, but they weren't practicing today. It didn't sit right at all.

Hanna had never skipped practicing the day before, something as important as a competition. She couldn't help but feel so off. Her stomach continued to turn, fluttering with butterflies she eagerly wanted to get rid of.

Hanna wanted to dance right then and there. Maybe then everything would feel fine? She would feel more at ease.

Derrick turned towards Hanna, watching as she shuffled around, unable to stand still for even a moment. To him, it seemed that she had plenty of buzzing thoughts that wanted to break free. It appeared that Hanna wanted to dance so eagerly.

He knew exactly how she felt now too. At first, Derrick couldn't imagine the thought of skipping practice the day before the competition. It never made sense to him, just like it didn't make sense to Hanna. But after years of following the same routine, he knew there was no better way to make sure you performed your best.

One day of rest could work wonders.

Derrick blinked a few times, his eyes dancing towards Hanna's silent stare, "It feels so weird at first, but you get used to it, Hanna. Trust me. You'll feel amazing tomorrow."

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