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A WEEK PASSED BEFORE HANNA'S EYES, FASTER THAN SHE COULD BLINK. She found herself going to the same dance studio she once swore to never enter. It became a habit for her to go to the studio and rest, finding peace there. Even if Hanna didn't dance, she found it like a home, a go-to after work.

The studio gave her comfort that her apartment didn't, reassuring her more than anything else and making her feel welcome. Maybe it was the surreal environment with dozens of dancers trying to make their way in the cruel world? Hanna didn't know. She only continued to visit the studio, again and again, spending hours there after work.

Maybe it was Derrick who had given her the listening ear that she needed? All Hanna knew was that she continued to visit the studio more often than she visited her own apartment now. It radiated a sense of freedom and comfort that her apartment didn't provide.

Like any other day, Hanna found herself in front of the studio today, observing its architecture before making her way inside.

As she entered the studio, pulling the door open with a jingle, she noticed the silver-haired man looking through papers. He didn't seem to notice Hanna at first, continuing to stare at the papers laid over the front desk. The silver-haired man only flipped through papers one by one, pulling out the pencil from behind his ears as he reached the one he seemed to be looking for.

Hanna bit her lip, trying to slip past him before he would notice her. She didn't want to converse with anyone today. Hanna only wanted to close her eyes in the comfort of the studio, finally being able to let herself breathe.

If only her wishes came true.

As she passed the silver-haired man, he turned towards her, her small wish ignored.

Roy's eyes lit up at the sight of the raven-haired girl that he often saw these days. He grinned at her, beaming.



Hanna allowed a smile to plaster her face as she faced the man looking straight at her, hesitant to make conversation with him. Her eyes darted from his papers to meet his stare as he began to speak, his voice echoing just loud enough for her to hear.

"Room on the far right again?" Roy chuckled, having taken notice that Hanna always preferred to stay in that room.

Hanna nodded, keeping her smile tight.

Roy grinned at her as well, looking back at his papers once Hanna had nodded.

Hanna pursed her lips, noticing that Roy had got back to checking his papers, scanning for something. She had noticed that he seemed to be busy, hardly conversing with her. Usually, they would chat for a few minutes before leaving each other alone.

Hanna shrugged, glancing at him one more time before turning to the hallways. She allowed the wispy smile she displayed to fade away, making her way to the room she had grown to love inside the studio, ready to have a little bit of peace.

Hanna entered the room, the quietness filling around her at once. The sheer silence allowed her thoughts to stream again, saying things Hanna wouldn't want to hear. At first, she didn't pay much attention to them, trying to ignore the words her mind would say, but as time went on, Hanna couldn't ignore the taunts. She couldn't ignore the screams.

Her thoughts shrieked out loud, warning Hanna of a reality she was entitled to.

"Oh, Hanna." They mused, "You're still not good enough for anybody."

Every time her thoughts mentioned anything, Hanna knew her thoughts spoke only the truth. They had always been right with their judgments, telling the bitter truth even if she didn't want to hear it. Hanna had no choice but to let her thoughts continue to taunt her, holding onto the hope that maybe one day her thoughts would stop wreaking havoc.

The Gray DancerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang