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THE WINDS BLEW PAST THE STREETS AS THE AFTERNOON SUN CREPT OUT. Hanna ran a hand through her hair, flying behind her in the breezes. The fall gusts soared with immense strength today, blowing the crisp autumn leaves around to the ground until they scattered over the floor in hues of gold and scarlet. The temperature had sunk more, but not enough to be wearing coats, just yet.

Hanna relished in the airy skies, humming as the breezes glided past her. The sun's rays touched her skin with a cheery warmth as she wandered through the streets, bolstering with chatter. Hanna didn't know why she had decided to meet Derrick. It was as if his charm coaxed her.

Before she knew it, Hanna found herself getting ready this morning to meet Derrick.

Hanna's gaze fixed onto the clouds. The fluffy cotton clouds overhead dimmed the horizon, graying the sky with no rain. They covered the sun, allowing rays to peek beneath the cotton. Hanna's heart had begun to heal in the surreal environment. It gave her a sense of freedom, walking underneath the serene setting.

Hanna closed her eyes, taking a soft, steady breath before opening them again. She blinked a few times, absorbing the beauty before her. The sun reduced the chilling gusts to almost nothing, both of them being opposites. It felt perfect outside, a light touch of cold mixing in with the autumn heat.

Hanna's eyes darted beside her to Jackson, towering over her. She barely reached his shoulder as she stood next to him, feeling shorter than ever. Jackson's hands rested in his pocket as the pair walked in near silence. His brown hair glimmered under the tan hues of the sun rays, enjoying the atmosphere before him, just like Hanna.

"Jackson." Hanna nudged the taller, "Remind me why you tagged along with me again?"

Jackson laughed. His shoulders raised half an inch with a shrug. He couldn't help but smile as he ran his hands through his brown hair.

Hanna rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest as she continued to make her way through the streets. She had headed out a while back with no clear indication of where exactly she needed to head to, only following Derrick's instructions to the best of her ability.

At least she had Jackson to help her find their destination.

Cars zoomed by the pair while the chatter of people layered to the calming sounds. As they traveled further into the heart of San Francisco, the banter had only gotten louder. The honking and fleeting of automobiles echoed into the city, eradicating the once calming silence. Hanna began to follow the chatter, noticing that she needed to head that direction anyway.

The change in atmosphere intrigued her. It became the exact opposite of calm, but Hanna didn't mind it.

In fact, she rather enjoyed the change in atmosphere for once.

A song echoed in the streets, just nearby. The rhythm and percussion, getting louder as Hanna neared it. The beating of massive drums and synths blending seamlessly glided. Its loud beats floated through the air, and it just so happened to be the place Hanna needed to head to. It lured Hanna towards it, bringing her to a street stage.

Hanna froze, her eyes widened at the tiny crowd, cheering with all their might. Why here of all places?

Jackson turned towards Hanna, a smile gracing over his lips.

"Are we here?"

Hanna looked around the area she had ended up in. The vast crowd around her seemed to draw her in more and more as the screams resonated. It made her feel wanted with the booming cheers and screams, making her want to blend in with the crowd. Hanna absorbed the reality for a few seconds before turning to meet Jackson. It was exactly as Derrick had described.

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