Chapter 113. Get Lost

Start from the beginning

"It's been a while since we've last seen each other outside of school, and yet we're stuck babysitting your brother," Camille chuckled as she sat beside Masha on the bench, hissing at how cold it was. "Sorry, I'm late. My mom was nagging me, and it took forever before she let me go."

"I see," Masha answered perfunctorily.

"Are you angry?"

"I wonder," Masha replied with a self-loathing laugh, slightly shaking her head.

Before, she wouldn't have minded Camille being late, thinking that her bad habit was acting up. That girl had always had difficulty being on time, not knowing what punctuality meant. However, today, Masha called her house before coming to the park, and Camille's mother told her that she had been out since yesterday, apparently having slept over at her boyfriend's.

Needless to say, Camille had just lied to her with a straight face.

How come Masha hadn't seen reality before it was thrown in her face in the worst way possible? She sometimes wondered what was wrong with her brain. Camille had probably been cheating on her since the first day they started dating, two years ago. Could it even be called dating? Maybe not. She had been the only one committed to her lover, after all.

Just as Masha was about to be swallowed by dark thoughts, she caught a glimpse of her little brother. He kept lifting and lowering his head, constantly glancing in her direction while pretending to be making a snowman (which looked awfully ugly, with its crooked head and deformed body).

That brat's anxiety could be felt from meters away, and he was such a bad actor that it made Masha unconsciously laugh. And suddenly, she felt lighter, as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Honestly, what was there to brood about? What was there to fear? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Even if Camille were gone, her brother would always be there for her, and even Gabriel would stand by her side. At the thought, Masha perked up. Yes, everything would be fine.

Masha sucked in a cold breath, then said, "Camille, I want to break up."

"Eh? Wait, what are you saying...?"

"I think you heard me," Masha smiled, staring icily at the woman she had loved so much. "But I guess I'll repeat. I want to break up, and it's not negotiable."

"Wh-why so suddenly?"

Despite the apparent surprise, there was no sadness in Camille's eyes. It made Masha feel like a fool. In spite of herself, she did hope to perceive a bit of heartache as she pronounced those harsh words, yet there was nothing of the sort.

"Do you really need to ask?" Masha coldly laughed as she stood up, dusting her pants. "You should go back to your "fake" boyfriend and warm his bed instead of spouting nonsense. What's with the face? Are you that surprised that the toy you thought was brainless isn't a hopeless mess? Or are you angry that it threw you out before you could? Sorry about that."

"You! H-how dare you?! Do you realize just how kind I was to even glance at you?! I'm the only person on earth who would ever want to give a stupid girl like you a bit of love! I'm telling you, no one else will ever want you."

"That, I wonder," Masha smiled faintly. "Anyway, I don't care. Even if I were to spend the rest of my life alone, it's always better than spending it with you. I'm clear on that. Sorry, but I'm done being played by you. Now, if you don't mind, I've got other matters to attend to, so I'll bid you farewell."

"Wait! I am not done! You better sit back right here!"

"Is it I, or you don't understand human language? Let me resume for you: I'm telling you to get lost. So, why the hell should I listen to you?"

After Masha said her piece, she decisively turned her back on Camille, ignoring the curses spoken in a low voice. If they had been in her bedroom, no doubt Camille wouldn't have reacted so mildly. Too bad the crowd prevented her from grabbing her wrists and tossing her to the ground. She couldn't yell her lungs out, nor could she cuss her aloud either. There were too many children around.

Masha walked up to her brother with her head held high. But before she could reach him or say anything, Misha bolted to her side, pouncing on her stomach to hug her. Then, he tilted his head just enough to shoot daggers at Camille. If looks could kill, she would have dropped dead right then and there.

The boy pursed his lips and gripped his sister's coat, refraining from throwing a few snowballs at the now ex-girlfriend. While pretending to make a snowman, he had prepared them just in case Camille overreacted. And he was pretty proud of their lethality, having hidden pebbles and pieces of ice in the center of the said snowballs.

Who cared if Camille was from the fairer sex? She was still a monster who had broken his sister's heart way too many times. Honestly, he had rarely hated someone just as much as he hated her. If Camille ever got close to Masha again, he wouldn't mind splitting her head open and burying her six feet under.

"How do you feel?" Misha asked, his voice slightly muffled by the scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Hm, I think I feel good, actually," Masha laughed, patting her brother's shoulder. "I'm done, so let's go home."

"...Are you sure? You could insult her a bit more, you know. She deserves it."

"Well, this is a public place, and wasting my time chewing her out would be giving her too much attention," Masha chuckled. "Also, your nose is running. Let's get you to a warm place before you catch a cold."

"My nose is not running."

"Yes, yes, it's not."


'I know I told her that she would always be my big sister, but does she really have to treat me like a little kid?! Could she not act as if I'm five years old?! Thank you very much!' Misha inwardly whined while outwardly, he took his sister's hand and dragged her toward the road.

Before leaving, the boy glanced back at Camille, who was still shocked silly by the sudden turn of events. He gracefully gave her the finger, then ran away with his sister, laughing. One less dangerous factor in his sister's life, check!


Chapter revised on 2022-06-04

Edited by Clozed! ♥



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