Chapter 16: Escape From Earth-2

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend, Daniella and our friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, Daniella and I fight crime and find other meta-humans like us. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats, and I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am The Flash!!

"Earth Two."

Zoom was running around the city, destroying everything that came in his way.

Zoom's Voice-Over: I know you're here, Harrison Wells, and you did not come alone....You can try to hide...But I'm the fastest man alive. I will scour this city until I hunt you down. And when I do, all of you will feel my wrath.

As Zoom was running around central city, he left messages that said,"Bring Me Wells." on a photo of Harry and it was also on the side of a building that was on fire.

At Star Labs, Harry was watching the news.

"CCPN is reporting that Dr. Harrison Wells, the infamous founder of S.T.A.R. Labs who uncharacteristically has gone unseen for nearly four months is now a wanted man. These images and messages went up moments ago throughout Central City by Zoom."

Henry walks in and he says,"Have you seen channel 52? You're not safe here, Dr. Wells. Zoom's looking for you."

"I know what he's doing. Alert security. Evacuate S.T.A.R. Labs. Lock down the facility." Harry said.

"What about you?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry about me, Henry. Just get everyone out of here now. Now! Go!" Harry said.

Then Henry listens as he walks out of Harry's office.

The back door of his office opens.


Harry turns and he points his gun at the person, but was Cisco and Daniella.

"Don't shoot!" Cisco and Daniella say in unison as the put there hands up.

Harry sighs then he says,"Damn it, Ramons."

Cisco and Daniella both gasp as they put there arms down.

"Where's Allen?" Harry asked.

"Zoom took him." Daniella said.

"What?" Harry said.

"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb... super evil guy, super evil powers. Then met Daniella's doppelganger, who I must say is not so nice. The four of them almost took down Barry and Daniella until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster. But then he left Killer Frost and Shriek alive and then took off with Barry." Cisco said.

"How are you two still alive?" Harry asked.

"Looks like he cares even less about us than you do, Harry." Daniella said.

"No, no. Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you both here?" Harry said.

"I don't know." Daniella said.

"I've seen "Heat" like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail. He didn't follow us. But check this out. "He takes Reverb's goggles out. "I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies...use them to find Zoom." Cisco said.

Harry takes the goggles from Cisco and he says, "Damn it, Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us... Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plan, because if we don't, Zoom..."

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