Chapter 3: Family Of Rogues

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend Daniella and our friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, Daniella and I fight crime and find other meta-humans like us. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats, and I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am The Flash...

It was late at night, Daniella was in her and Caitlins apartment, and Caitlin was on the couch sleeping and Daniella was getting ready to watch Harry Potter and she set a bowl of popcorn on the table when her phone rang. 

Daniella sees that it's Iris, and she answers and she says,"Hey, Iris. What's up?"

"Daniella, I need your help, now!" Iris said.

Iris was running around in a building as people were shooting at her, and Daniella heard the gun shots. 

"Were those gunshots?" Daniella says, worriedly.

"Yeah...I'm at Baldwin Tower! I can't find a way out." Iris says, as the men continued to shot at her.

"Window--is there window?" Daniella asked. 

Iris hid behind one of the pillars as the men were getting closer.

"Over here!" He Yelled.

"Um, yeah, up ahead." Iris said.

Iris runs to the window where the men who were shooting at her had broke the glass.

"Okay, I'm by the window. Why?" Iris asked.

"Okay, great, you're gonna need to jump." Daniella said. 

"What? Are you crazy? Daniella, no way." Iris said.

"Iris! Do you trust me?" Daniella asked. 

"Of course, I trust you." Iris said.

"Okay, then jump." Daniella said. 

Then Daniella, super speeds out of the apartment in her suit.

"I can do this. I can do this." Iris whispered.

Then Iris runs to the window as the men continued shooting at her and she screams.       

Daniella arrives and she zooms up the building, and she grabs Iris, then she runs back down and sets Iris down.

"All right. You good?" Daniella asked.

"Yeah." Iris said.

"All right. many guys are up there?" Daniella asked.

"Uh, two. They both have guns." Iris said.

"Okay then." Daniella said. 

Then Daniella runs into the building, there was shouting and gunshots as Daniella came back over Iris as she dropped the bad guy's guns on the floor.

"Okay, now they're taking little naps till the CCPD wakes them...So what exactly were you thinking?" Daniella asked.

"I got a hot lead on a real estate scam. I mean, these guys have been illegally evicting people, breaking up families." Iris said.

"Okay, look, no story is worth your life." Daniella says, as she grabs Iris' arms. 

Iris laughs as she hugs Daniella and she says,"Thank you for coming!" 

Daniella laughs as she hugs her back and says,"Yeah."

"I can't wait to write about this." Iris said.

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