Chapter 13: A.W.O.L.

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At Star Labs...In the cortex....Barry, Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry were all standing together as Daniella walked in.

"Hey, we were just discussing our next move against Zoom." Barry said.

Daniella sighs and she says, "Actually, I have something to tell you guys."

Everyone looks at her.

"What's up, Dani?" Cisco asked.

"I'm going to Starling city." Daniella said.

"Your leaving?" Iris asked.

"No, no, I'm not leaving, I just, it's been a couple of days since Party left and I don't know i guess im taking it a little harder than I expected and I told Olivia I'd visit her. Im sure you guys can handle things here, right? I'll only be gone a few days." Daniella said.

"Yes." Harry says, as he leaves the cortex.

Joe walks up and hugs Daniella, as she says, "You go do what you gotta do."

"Yeah. We'll be fine. Tell Olivia we said hi." Caitlin said.

Barry smiles and walks by as Cisco follows.

Iris and Daniella are left by themselves.

"Iris..." Daniella said.

"Hey, I get it. Go have fun in starling city." Iris said.

"Im coming back." Daniella said.

"I believe you, I just hope you know, that you still have something here in central city." Iris says, hugging Daniella as she leaves the cortex.

Daniella gives her suit a look before she grabs it and zooms out of the cortex.


At night, Outside of Oliver and Felicity's loft

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At night, Outside of Oliver and Felicity's loft...Daniella was preparing to knock when the door opens.

"Mom." Olivia says, hugging Daniella.

"Hey. Why are you opening the door?" Daniella asked.

"Oliver and Felicity had a problem." Olivia said.

"Oh." Daniella says, as she goes inside to see Felicity in a wheelchair.

"Dani. Hi, what brings you by?" Felicity asked.

Daniella gasps as she says, "Well, I was having a bad week, but yours definitely takes the cake."

Oliver is over at the table as he says, "the doctor says stick with the two tablets to keep with your current pain management regimen."

Oliver gives Felicity a glass of water.

"Oliver, I appreciate what you're doing but you have a city to save, a mayoral campaign." Felicity said.

"Mayor?" Daniella said.

"Yes, and a freaky Superbad who can move things with his mind." Felicity said.

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