Chapter 11: Potential Energy

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend Daniella and our friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, Daniella and I fight crime and find other meta-humans like us. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats, and I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am The Flash!!

It was night time and Barry is zooming around the city.....  

Barry's Voice-Over: I know I'm moving pretty fast, but stop me if you've heard this one before. Boy meets girl. Happens every day. Except this boy got struck by lightning and became the fastest man alive. So nothing is ever that simple.

Caitlin was sitting on a bench outside a restaurant all dressed up as she waited for Barry and then Barry showed up with roses that started on fire.

"Ho!" Barry said.

"Oh, my...." Caitlin said.

Barry steps on the flowers in order to put the fire out. 

"Oh...ah...Careful!" Caitlin said.

"Oh, boy. Sorry! It's all good."Barry says, as the fire goes out. 

Caitlin laughs.

"It's all good." Barry said.

Caitlin continues to laugh then she says,"Those weren't for me anyway, right?"

"They were. I didn't realize roses were so flammable. Oh, my god." Barry said.

"Well, it's's the thought that counts. And, you know, and proper fire safety management, that counts most." Caitlin said.

"Yes...I have spent most of my life feeling very unlucky." Barry said,

"Yeah, and now?" Caitlin says as she smiles at him.

"Feels like I've been struck by lightning twice." Barry said.

"Me too." Caitlin says, as she smiles. 

Barry and Caitlin kiss, and then suddenly Zoom appears and takes Caitlin and zooms to the top of a building and zoom dangles her over the edge.

"Barry! Help!" She gags as zoom chokes her. "Help me..." Caitlin said.  

"Flash, everything you have will be mine." Zoom said.

Then Zoom pulls Caitlin in closer and Stabs her with his claws into her stomach.  

Caitlin gasps. 

Zoom dangles Caitlin back over the ledge once again and drops her.

"No! No!" Barry yells, as he runs to the ledge and watches as Caitlin falls to her death.   

Barry gasps and he wakes up, revealing it was all a dream and Caitlin is asleep next to him...

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