Chapter 24: The Runaway Dinosaur

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend, Daniella and our friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, Daniella and I fight crime and find other meta-humans like us. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats, and I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am The Flash!!

In the breach room, moments after Barry disappeared into thin air, everyone was now grieving. 

Caitlin was crying, as Joe walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. 

Caitlin turns around as she says,"Barry...he's gone."  

Then Joe pulls Caitlin into a hug. 

Sparks pop throughout the room.

"This wasn't su...,....I didn't......I'm so sorry." Harry said.

"We lost him." Henry says, sadly.

"No, no, no, no, he...He could've got knocked somewhere or maybe even run there." He goes to the computer and starts looking for Barry. "Nothing on the GPS." Cisco said.

"There were strikes all over the building. Jesse, come down here, please." Harry says, as he pushed a button on the computer. 

There was no answer. 

"Jesse? Wally?" Harry said.

Then Harry and Joe run out of the room with Caitlin and Iris behind them.  

In the hallway, they find Wally and Jesse on the ground.

"Oh, God, Wally!" Joe says, running over to him.

"No, no!" Harry says, as he runs over to Jesse.

"Wally! Wally, wake up!  Can you hear me?" Joe says, to Wally.

"No! Jesse! Jesse!" Harry says, to Jesse.

"Wally!" Joe yells.

"Jesse!" Harry yelled.

Wally grunts as he opens his eyes and he says,"Stop yelling, please."

"Her heart stopped. Her heart stopped! Jesse..." Harry said.

Caitlin puts her hand on Harry and she says, "Let me."

Wally sits up slowly.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked.

Wally nods. 

Caitlin checks on Jesse as Harry's eyes are watery, looking down at Jesse and yells,"Jesse!" 

Jesse lets out a loud gasp, but her eyes weren't opening. 

"Oh! It's beating. Her heart's beating. Snow, what's wrong with her?" Harry says, as he sighs in relief. 

"I don't know. I need Henry please. This is something I've only seen with Barry." Caitlin said.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Joe says, as tears run down his face before he ran off.

"Hey, what's with him?" Wally said.

"It's Barry. Barry's gone." Iris said.

Caitlin sniffs as she continues to check on Jesse.

"Are you good, Wally? Okay, we should get you home, get some rest, okay?" Iris says, as she helps him get up.

"I don't understand." Wally said.

"No, it's okay. Let's go."  Iris says, as she and him walk away. 

Harry looks at Caitlin and then at his daughter and he says,"Jesse." 

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