Roses (forty-three)

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A month had passed since Marcellus broke things off with her. And she was feeling no better than as if it had just happened. But she had gotten back to work. Taking care of everyone else, but herself. She was miserable. But there was nothing she could do about it. The one thing that made her so happy was gone from her life, for good. 

Arwyn was making her way back toward her room. She was tired, emotionally and physically. Having been looking for a remedy for this sickness one of the guards had caught was proving tougher than what she expected. 

She opened the door a fraction, closing her eyes and inhaling before letting out a long sigh. So much had happened in these past few weeks. She just needed a rest. In a room that didn't remind her of him. She was going to ask the Queen to change her room when she saw her next. 

Though, when she opened her eyes and pushed the door open more, the sight she saw was not what she expected. Her room was covered in roses. Red roses. She walked into the room, looking around. 

How? Who? Why? When? Where? What? 

Her eyes searched the room, but nobody was here. There was a note on the largest rose in the middle of the thousands of roses. She plucked the note from the rose, opening it. 

Here's the roses.

There was another note on the balcony. Slowly making her way through the roses, she flipped the note open and frowned. 

Go to the garden.

The frown deepened as she walked back through the roses and out of her room. She slowly made her way toward the garden. The night sky was lit up by the moon and the stars sparkling in the middle of the blackness were amazing, it gave her a false sense of hope that even in the dark, some things shine. As she walked, the path toward the garden started to get brighter, candles were lit along the side of the path. She looked around as she walked, a few fireflies were noticeable the closer she got. Her eyes went wide as they landed on the sight in front of her. 

A table had been set up with candles on top of it, rose petals scattered on the ground and over the table. Fireflies were flying around, decorating the atmosphere beautifully. And there he was, standing there in all his hot and sexiness. He looked so perfect in a suit. 

"Marcellus-" She started but he rushed forward, a finger to his lips. 

"You wanted hearts and roses, Arwyn. You've had my heart for a while now, I just had to give you the roses." His deep voice was smooth and soft as he said those words.

"You shattered my heart and now, this?" 

His face flashed with regret and remorse. 

"I can't live without you." He grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. "The longer I was away from you, the more it hurt. It ached. I've never felt so much pain in all of my millions of years of being alive." 

Arwyn pulled her hand away, a scowl on her face. 

"What do you want from me?" Her voice was soft as she looked away from him.

"I love you, Arwyn." Marcellus said, but it came out more like a plea. He dropped to his knees in front of her, both of his hands grasping hers. 

It was like her throat was closing in on her as she watched him in front of her. His blue eyes filled with sadness and guilt, blazing into hers, pleading with her to forgive him. 

"I'm so sorry, Arwyn. I really am. When I..." He looked down, closing his eyes tightly. "When I pushed you away, I thought it was the best for both of us. But I... I was wrong. So very wrong. I'm sorry, baby. Please, forgive me." 

She must be the dumbest person alive because she couldn't help but forgive him. No matter the amount of times he had broken her heart already. 

"Get up." She mumbled, tugging on his hand. 

His beautiful, blue eyes shot up to hers, filled with nothing but hope. 

"I forgive you, you fool. Now, get up and kiss me, damnit." 

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