A Dance (seven)

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Marcellus moved away from Arwyn, still holding one of her hands in his as he looked toward the three new people in the room.

"You do realise this was where one of the Supreme Court was killed, right?" One of them asked with a tilt of the head. A disgusting sound leaving her as if she were forcing a laugh out. Sounded like a screeching cat. The other woman standing behind the other two eyed Arwyn suspiciously as if she could recognise her. Though with the masks on, it was almost impossible.

"Of course." Marcellus replied with a smug grin.

"Oh, so you're really freaky then." A tall, slender and pale looking man said. "But move along, your freakiness isn't needed here. We have business to attend to."

Arwyn had met these people before. They all looked so familiar. But how had she met them? She looked up at Marcellus as he returned her gaze before giving her a wink and pulling her along with him. The two made their way back down into the main hall. Arwyn slapped him on the arm, folding her arms over her chest with a huff. "What the hell?" She asked with a frown.

Marcellus returned the frown. "Did you want to get caught?" He let out a small sigh, giving her a charming smile. "It distracted them from asking too many questions. Who would get it on in a place someone was murdered? That threw them through a loop."

"Didn't have to bite me!" Arwyn argued before rolling her eyes. She touched the spot where he had his lips, turning away from him. "Unbelievable."

"You liked it." Marcellus told her. His eyes shining with nothing but satisfaction. Arwyn turned back toward him, her face flushed with a mix between anger and embarrassment.

"I remembered something." She decided to change the subject. Not wanting to cause a scene in such a public space. And well, she couldn't deny the fact that she did enjoy it. "He asked me to kill him. But I didn't. And I don't know who did. He begged me to do it. I must have been a servant or something."

"You were more than a servant." A man dressed in fabulous silks approached them. He had dark skin, silver hair and bright, icy blue eyes. He didn't look threatening but Arwyn backed away slightly. "Please, I won't harm you, nor will I turn you in."

"Who was I?" She asked out of curiosity.

"You were the palace's doctor." He explained. That makes a lot of sense, actually. Her fascination with medicinal herbs and even magical spells that could heal. "But, conveniently, you lost your memories the night the murder happened."

"Who are you?" Arwyn asked. The man chuckled, eyes closed for a brief moment before looking over at Marcellus, giving him a knowing look. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the both of them. It almost looked as if they knew each other for a second.

"Call me Orion."

"Can you help me? Get my memories back?" Arwyn asked him. He nodded before looking off into the distance.

"Not here. Not now. But meet me at the same tavern you always go to. Tomorrow." And so, he turned and left them standing there. Arwyn scrunched her face up and looked at Marcellus. How did he know about the tavern? Were they friends once before?

"Do you know him?"

"No." Marcellus replied almost too quickly. Arwyn let out an exhausted sigh. "Would you like to dance?" He asked, offering his hand toward her once again. She reluctantly took it and they made their way toward the ballroom.

A hand on the small of her back, the other holding her hand still, he pulled her closer so she could place her hand on his shoulder. Marcellus moved perfectly, watching Arwyn closely. "Just follow my lead." He mumbled with a small chuckle, watching her struggle to keep up with him as if she were fighting for the dominant role.

Arwyn looked down slightly, watching his boots move, following with her heels. Within moments, the two were synchronised perfectly. Moving and swaying to the music, much like every other couple in the room. At the end, he dipped her, eyes beaming with adoration before he brought her up again. They were awfully close to one another now. Noses almost touching as they shared a moment, staring at each other's eyes. Marcellus' eyes flickered down to her lips before Arwyn pulled away.

"We should go." She said, stepping away from him. A regretful look passed over Marcellus' face but it disappeared as quickly as it came. 

"We have the whole party to explore."

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