Leave (thirty-five)

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The night ended far too soon and when Arwyn woke up, she expected the worse. She expected Marcellus to be gone. But he was still there. He was laying on his stomach, a boyish grin on his face as he rested his head on his arms, gazing at her. He looked so sexy with his messy hair and that grin on his face.

"Good morning." Marcellus murmured.

"Good morning." She whispered as she turned on her side to look at him better. "How long have you been awake?" She could get use to waking up with him by her side.

"Not long. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you." He sat up and stretched out before getting up off the bed. He was fully dressed and about ready to dash back out the way he came.

Long enough to get dressed.

"Are you leaving?" She sat up in her spot, a very displeased expression appearing on her face. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed significantly from that one question. He shifted uncomfortably in his spot as he avoided her gaze.

You knew this was going to happen. Her conscience told her with a sour tone.

"I'm not surprised, Marcellus. Go on then. Leave." She felt worse than a common whore. He only came here for her body. She pulled the sheets over herself again, looking away from him.

She really thought after last night, things between them changed. The words they spoke. The actions. The slow and passionate love making. He even spoke about some kind of soul bonding, marriage, something. Her mind was still hazy.

"Arwyn, please, don't hate me. I'm not the right one for you." He sat down on the bed again, his fingers going to her chin to make her look at him.

"Then why do you keep coming back?" Her voice was soft and uncertain, knowing she was about to cry. His eyes widened at her question before he looked away, as if he was asking himself that same question. She shook her head, ridding his fingers from her chin and getting out of bed.

"I have work to do, Marcellus." She glanced at him as she started to get ready for the day. A pained expression appeared on his face. His eyes were usually a bright, piercing blue but now, they were just dark and clouded with sadness and pain. He hesitated as he stood up from the bed and walked toward the balcony.

It hurt more watching him leave than it did waking up without him. She should've asked him to come back. Because now, she doesn't know whether or not she'll see him again.

Amiah, Octavius, Orion and everyone else will be worried about her if she doesn't come out of her room anytime soon. She finished getting ready for the day. Taking one last glance in the direction Marcellus disappeared in, Arwyn let out a small sigh before leaving her room.

She found the Queen sitting out on her balcony with King Octavius. They were having a light-hearted conversation, some laughter could be heard as Arwyn opened the door with a small, exhausted smile. Instantly, their attention turned toward her.

"Arwyn, are you feeling better?" Amiah asked her with a tilt of her head and a small smile.

"Positively." She replied, taking a seat next to the Queen. "Did I miss anything interesting at dinner?"

King Octavius let out a small chuckle, glancing at the Queen. "A servant confessed his undying love for the Queen."

"Oh?" Arwyn looked at Amiah with slightly wide and intrigued eyes.

"I hastily shut him down and sent him off." The Queen responded with a small laugh, though there was something behind the laugh. It almost seemed like a pain-stricken laugh. She could tell the Queen was hurting. It was heartbreak. Something must be going on. And, well, as the palace's doctor, even heartbreak must be treated in utmost urgency.

"Octavius, do you mind if I talk with the Queen privately?"

Octavius looked somewhat surprised before he nodded and stood up with a bow before leaving out the door.

Arwyn turned, looking directly into the Queen's beautiful purple eyes. "What's going on?"

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