New World (thirteen)

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Marcellus didn't return that night after he walked out. So many things left unsaid. It made Arwyn wonder if she was ever going to see him again. Everything about their sudden friendship was so bizarre. Perhaps it was better if the two never saw each other again. The past day and a half were just stolen from time. It was inevitable that he'd run off. She was a criminal and he was? She honestly didn't know. He looked and even acted like royalty. Maybe these past days were just his escape from his own world. And he realised this wasn't what he wanted and returned to wherever he came from.

A sigh left her soft lips as she left her small cottage. Today, Arwyn was supposed to be meeting with the man named Orion, that she had met at the palace last night. He said he could help her get her memories back. She wanted nothing more than to be able to remember what happened. Marcellus seemed to believe she was completely innocent. And he might just be right.

Orion was waiting for her outside of the tavern. He was dressed in a well thought out disguise. Basic clothing, a cloak with a hood that was rested upon his head, covering his face.

"Ah, you're here. Splendid. We must do this immediately if we're going to do this at all. I have business to attend to. But I'm a man of my word. Follow me." He told Arwyn and started off in a brisk walk, heading further out of the town. She followed behind him with quick footsteps, before he stopped just off of the path, a clearing in the forest. "Sit in the middle of the grass and take this." He pulled something out of his cloak and handed her a glass of... fireflies? "Release them when I tell you to. I'm teleporting your soul to another realm. Your body will remain here. But your soul, spirit, will be in another realm. If you die there, you die here. So... Be careful."

Arwyn nodded quickly, following his directions. She sat in the middle of the clearing, holding the glass of fireflies to her chest, watching the man before her. Is it bad she wished Marcellus was here with her? He had been there with her everywhere she went for the past day and a half. She missed his presence. And his charmingness. Even the stupid winks he gave her when she asked a question. As if almost summoning him with her thoughts? The man had appeared behind Orion. The two of them shared a brief conversation before Marcellus joined her on the grass.

"How did you know we were here?" She asked, completely thrown off as she stared at him. Marcellus just narrowed his eyes at her briefly before giving her a charming smile.

"You think I'd let you do this alone?"

But before she could even answer the question, Orion called for her to release the fireflies and so she did. With that, a bright light consumed her and transported her soul to a completely different world.

Her head was a bit fuzzy as she sat up, looking around the new world. It was bright. Multiple different colours surrounded her. It was beautiful. The sky was a mix between blue, green and pink, swirling together. The grass was a bright green. The greenest grass she'd ever seen. The water was sparkling. Like literally sparkling, clear water. The air felt easier to breathe. Less polluted. Everything just seemed so perfect and calm. Peaceful. Her attention turned toward Marcellus as he sat beside her with a gorgeous grin blessing his face.

"Where are we?" Arwyn asked. "Orion didn't exactly give me any details of where he was sending me." She admitted, slowly standing up from the ground, wiping some dirt off of her clothes.

Even though their souls had been transported to another realm, they were still solid beings. It must be a magical realm, hence why Orion warned them about dying.

"That's something you should've asked him. Do you know what you're looking for?" Marcellus asked, watching the woman with expectant and eager eyes. She slowly shook her head with a frown. He just gave her his signature smile as he stood up and took a hold of her hand. "We can figure this out. Together."

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