Apology (eighteen)

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It had been about a week after the events happened. A week since she last saw Marcellus. The man made no attempt at redeeming himself. It was probably for the best. She wasn't going to take him back. But she could easily admit that she missed him. Or the Marcellus she had grown to know. Not the Devil.

Arwyn had spent the last three days trying to find a way around the amnesia spell. But it was pointless. She needed Marcellus or someone with that skill level of magic to help her. Someone more powerful than the Devil himself? If only. She was close to just handing herself in. She had lost all hope. These past two years escaping and running from her fate, for what? All she had done is get into fights, escape death once or twice, fall in love with the Devil and get heartbroken. She was nowhere closer to getting her memories back.

However, when she was in the palace. The small amount of memory that had returned to her? Perhaps that room is the answer. There must be something there. Something that can help. But how was she going to get back inside the palace? She had no Marcellus to help her. There were no parties being held. The only thing she could think of was just marching right on inside.

The woman had been sat in the tavern again. In the same corner, drinking the same old stale alcohol. Then, it happened. All over again. Marcellus was stood next to her table, looking down at her. It's almost as if everything reset. She took a moment to look him over. He looked a little different. Eyes were still the same bright, piercing blue. Hair was still short, messy and black. But he looked a little bigger? A little more muscly. How was that even possible?

"What do you want?" Arwyn asked out, knowing full well he was just going to sit down and annoy her.

"Are you mad at me?" Marcellus asked, sitting down across from her.

"No." She replied, taking a sip from her cup. She eyed him off for any reaction but he stayed the same. Staring at her relentlessly, all he did different was narrow his eyes.

"You're not?" His face clearly representing that he didn't believe her. "You have every right to be. I was-"

"An asshole, yes. I know." She finished the sentence off for him. "I don't want to hear your apology, if that's what you came here to give me. Some pathetic reason or sappy story. 'I was born this way, I can't help it' blah blah." Marcellus laughed. A genuine laugh. It was loud and it made his whole face brighten.

The Devil coming to apologise to her? It was indeed laughable. He wouldn't apologise for anything. The man was evil. It was literally in his name. And yet, he was so different. To how she imagined him. She always thought the Devil would be this hideous thing. But he was... Well, he was far from hideous. He was beautiful. Perfect. One look from those blue eyes and she melted every time. She wanted nothing more than to be swept up in those magnificent, muscular arms. And those lips. She couldn't help but wonder what else they could do, having experienced his kiss. She was quickly back to reality when he started speaking again, his eyes burning into hers with an emotion that looked a lot like lust, as if he could tell what she was thinking.

"An apology wasn't exactly what I had in mind." He said, leaning further back in his seat, an arm outstretched and rested on the side of the booth as he gazed at the woman.

"Well? What did you have in mind?" Arwyn asked, arching an eyebrow. She wasn't exactly in the mood for his games.

"I will help you reverse the spell. And you don't owe me anything. I will leave you alone. It's the least I can do. After... everything." His eyes trailed down from her eyes, to her lips, to her neck and further down until the table cut him off.

She cleared her throat a little, watching his eyes travel down her. "And you don't want anything in return?" His eyes snapped back up to hers, a grin ear-to-ear appeared on his face.

"Think of it as my apology."

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