Fruit (thirty-six)

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"I should be asking you that question, Arwyn. You've never been sick in all the years I've known you and suddenly, last night?" The Queen arched her brow.

"I had a visitor." Arwyn stated simply with an apologetic shrug. She figured to get honesty out of the Queen, she must be honest in return.

"And where is this visitor now?"

"He's gone... Again." Her lips went into a straight, thin line as she avoided the Queen's gaze. Amiah let out a long, exaggerated sigh before running a hand through her long, beautifully black hair.

"Ever since the King died," her face contorted into despair, "I thought I would never find another person to love." She said it so softly and quietly, if Arwyn hadn't been paying so much attention, she would've missed it. "But... I've fallen in love with a servant." She scoffed, looking at Arwyn with disbelief in herself.

"A servant? The one who confessed his love at dinner?"

Slowly, she nodded, her purple eyes brimming with tears. "Of course, I had to shut him down and send him off. He did it so publicly. A Queen in love with a servant? Could you imagine the uproar?"

Arwyn frowned. "Seems we're both in quite the pickle, huh? A Queen in love with a servant. A... how'd he put it? A mortal in love with the Devil."

"Have you told him how you feel, Arwyn?"

"That I love him? God, no. But I think it's obvious anyway." Her face flushed and the Queen let out a small laugh.

"The only way to get closure is to just be honest with your feelings, doctor. And if he doesn't reciprocate those feelings, then it must be for the best."

"I could tell you the same thing, Amiah. But your situation is a little different. You know he feels the same as you. I... We're talking about the Devil here. He only uses me for my body."

"Stop giving him what he wants."

"You haven't seen him..." Arwyn's face turned a darker red as she thought about Marcellus' beautiful face and his oh-so-perfect body.

"A woman has more control over a man than a man does over a woman. Remember? You taught me that when I first married the King."

Arwyn stared at the Queen in disbelief. "You remember that?"

"Of course I do. It's what I always told myself when I had to...go to bed. The King was a needy man. And sometimes, I just wasn't in the mood." Amiah's face beamed at a thought. "Dangle the fruit in front of him but don't let it drop."

"Dangle the fruit?"

"Flaunt your body... Tease him with sex. But don't give it to him."

"That's easier said than done..." Arwyn whispered, her brows furrowing. "I don't even know if I'll see him again."

"I'm throwing a party." The Queen said suddenly, a glint of hope in her eyes.

"A party?" Arwyn asked, giving Amiah the most deadpanned look she could muster up.

"He might show up..." She murmured with a grin before standing up unexpectedly. "It will be tonight! Come, let's get the preparations started."

The two headed back inside the palace. On the way, Amiah told every servant she came across that there was going to be a party tonight. And well, servants do talk because the word spread around pretty quickly.

Arwyn had disappeared into the library, just to get away from people for a quick second. She needed some time alone, to think about everything. To think about Marcellus. To think about herself. Everything seemed to be going so fast, she couldn't keep up. She needed to organise herself.

She took a seat at the desk that was in the middle of the library, her head in her hands. She let out a long sigh. She sat like that for God knows how long. She thought about Marcellus, and her feelings for the man. She thought about her past, about the old life she use to have here in the palace and how it was similar but yet, not as dramatic as the new life she has. About the life she had as a fugitive.

Orion had entered the library, startling Arwyn out of her thoughts.

"The Queen wants to see you in her room. The party is almost ready." He said softly, approaching her.

"Okay, thank you, Orion."

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