Dangerous Game (nineteen)

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After the discussion in the tavern, the two returned back to Arwyn's home. Apparently, she had to be fully submerged in water, surrounded by something that represented her past. The only thing she could think of was Chamomile. She used it quite a bit to help with healing purposes. And considering she use to be a doctor for the palace, it might have stuck with her. So, she grabbed most of the Chamomile that she had growing outside of her home and brought it with her.

She got the bath ready, placing the flowers inside of it like Marcellus explained. "So... Can I be fully clothed?" She asked, a nervous laugh leaving her. The man just let out a small chuckle as he kneeled down beside the bath.

"Of course." He had made no attempts at being flirty or seductive toward her so far. Which is surprising, considering she had grown use to him being quite the flirt with her. It bothered her. Like he didn't find her attractive. All that time, he only saw her for her... virginity.

"Why are you so drawn toward people like me?" Arwyn couldn't help but ask that question. She wanted to know what made the Devil... Well, the Devil.

"People like you?" He asked. He was putting a spell of sorts on the water in the bath.

"You know. Pure. Innocent." Arwyn had started to take her clothing off. He said she could be clothed but it was more so she didn't have wet clothes when she got out. But also, to tease him. She knew he was only helping her. But she wanted to make him pay for what he did. The man played tricks on her. It was only fair she did the same. Deep down, she knew he wouldn't do anything to her unless she said so.

"It's not the person. It's their virginity... It's the satisfaction of taking it and then, never seeing them again. They're always so eager. I'm a terrible being. You should know that much. In all honesty, it doesn't benefit me at all. I just enjoy hurting people... ah." He had looked back toward her briefly but she had taken all of her clothing off. His deep, blue eyes stared at her perfect, naked body, before he looked away. She could see his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed extremely hard, clenching his jaw.

"Let's get this over with then." Arwyn said, moving over to the bath.

"Get what over with?" Marcellus asked, sounding unsure of what she was talking about.

"The spell..." She said, sounding equally unsure. "Did you think, you and me...?" The woman let out a small scoff as she stepped into the bath before sinking down into the water.

"You undressed yourself when I told you that you could have clothes on. It was only natural that I thought..." He made a pretty dumb face as he looked at her. Lips pressed tightly together, eyebrows slightly raised, his head cocked to the side. "You're playing a dangerous game." His voice suddenly dropped an octave lower as he narrowed his eyes at her. The same hunger and lust blazing within his eyes.

"I just want my memories back." She told him with a smug smirk coming onto her face as she watched the man. It was like torture for him. She could tell.

"Go under the water and I'll start." He told her, looking away from her. He was trying to compose himself. Her little trick was obviously working. Making him regret messing with her. He just witnessed what he'll never have. However, she did just that. She went fully under the water and waited for him to do what he had to. She didn't know how long she was under for but Marcellus eventually pulled her out of the water.

"Did it work?" Arwyn asked him, staring at him with an arched eyebrow.

"I was going to ask you that question. Give it a few moments. Whoever did this spell really put some work into it. It had to be more than one person, that's for sure." If not even the Devil can reverse a spell, then surely she was screwed. She was never going to have her memories back.

Then, darkness overtook her.

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