SLASH - 10

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YOU'RE SO CRUEL (STAND BY ME IV)angstrequested by aj_883 guess who's back

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requested by aj_883
guess who's back. back again.
hey guys, sorry this took so long
but i've lost a lot of motivation
recently due to my seasonal
depression. but hopefully you
all enjoy this and hopefully
requests will open again soon!

"Faster!" Y/N demanded with a laugh as Slash sped down the street. "I wanna feel like Daisy Duke!"

"I'm not in the mood to go to jail tonight sweetheart, ten over the limit is as far as I'll go!" Though his tone was relatively firm, Slash couldn't keep the smile off of his face. It had now been three weeks since Y/N decided to stay with Slash, and going out in disguise had become a mini tradition for the star-crossed lovers. The media was desperate to get their hands on pictures of Slash's "Mystery Woman", but the dynamic duo was much too quick for their fancy cameras. As much as Y/N loved going out and dancing, she loved the getaway much more, and Slash just loved keeping the smile on her face. "I think those jerks from Kerrang are way behind us now."

"Why risk it? Besides, all this wind is giving me one helluva blowout!" Y/N grinned and rested her feet up on the dashboard.

"Listen I'm not trying to get our picture slapped next to an Ozzy interview as much as the next guy, but eventually we're gonna have to slow down before the cops catch us or we run out of gas!"

"Or worst-case scenario, the cops catch us and we run out of gas so we can't get away!"

"Well don't jinx me!" He cackled.

"Alright! Fine, we can slow down you square!" She teased, the smile still on her face. "Is it okay if we stay out here for a little while? I'm a sucker for long quiet drives."

"Anything for you, doll." Slash winked. He meant it too, he was going to devote his life to making her happy. He was as deeply in love as a man could be, and he was enamoured with the way it made him feel. No drug could compare to the feeling he got when he saw her smile because of some little gesture he made, when she buried her face in his chest when they slept, when she laughed at one of his jokes, when she clung to him when they danced... Surely there was no drug compared to love,

and he was addicted.

He couldn't ignore the warm feeling that spread through his chest like a fire when her fingers enlaced with his; Her touch was enough to make his heartbeat like Steven's drums.

"Y/N... I know I tell you a lot but... I... I am so deeply in love with you..." Slash couldn't help the words that fell from his lips, it just felt so right to say it, even though she never said it back. She didn't have to, but a little ray of hope still shone in his heart that maybe someday she would.


"I wish... I wish I had gotten to you first, ya know? Maybe I could've made you happy..."

"You would have, Slash," Y/N reassured. "I know you would have... But there's no use in wishful thinking." She quickly became pessimistic. This wasn't the first time Slash had said something like this and it always upset her. It was times like these when she hated his imagination, and the game of pretend he kept trying to play, "What happened happened and there's no changing that. And besides... You know I still love Axl." But most of all she hated feeling like her marriage was a mistake. After all, her and Axl were perfect for each other; they made each other miserable, but made everyone else miserable when they were apart. It was the kind of toxicity that could hold a marriage together for fear of what they would do to new lovers if they dared to part; She didn't even want to imagine how she would've ruined Slash if she had married him instead. Love and fear kept her and Axl together, love and fear would keep her and Slash apart. And she knew that was for the best.


The warm tender feeling in Slash's chest turned into one of a dagger being plunged through his heart. Though he knew it was true, it still hurt to hear it come from her. He knew Y/N and Axl would always love each other, but that little ray of hope still shone.

"Well... That may be so but that doesn't change the way I feel about you." His voice was flat and serious.

Y/N crossed her arms and turned away from him, staring out the window with furrowed brows. "You have no right to say such things to me."

Slash watched a couple of tears roll down her cheeks in the side view mirror and he felt the dagger plunge deeper into his chest. As much as he hated seeing her cry, he hated being the cause of her tears even more. It was almost too much for him. He was supposed to be the one to make her happy, Axl was the one who made her cry. He's supposed to make her happy, he has to make her happy. If he doesn't make her happy she'll never love him.



She has to, she just has to love him! She has to come around eventually right?


Panic quickly overtook Slash's mind, he gripped the steering wheel tightly and swerved to the side of the road, no longer feeling safe to drive. He grabbed the handle on the side of his seat and leaned back, panting heavily as he ran a hand through his hair.

This wasn't the first time this had happened, this just happened to be the first time Y/N had been there to witness it, and of course, her frustration quickly turned into concern.

"Slash?" She took his free hand, the fingers of her right hand intertwining with his own while her left hand rested on the other side of it. "Hey, hey it's all right! Look at me, it's okay!" She pleaded, her voice and eyes filled with worry. "Please... Open your eyes and look at me." But Slash refused and his body shook, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and chest. Y/N quickly untied the scarf from around her head and opened the water bottle sitting in the sup holder; she drenched the scarf and held it against his forehead, hoping the coolness of the water would help ease his jangled nerves. She gently dabbed the silk down to his chest, her left hand still resting on top of his. His eyes slowly opened, but he looked panicked and afraid. He suddenly grabbed her by the forearms and pulled her towards him, his arms wrapping around her with that tight grip she knew all too well. She rested her head on top of his as she returned his embrace, feeling his body shaking against hers , and hot tears run down her back as he buried his face in her neck, struggling to form words.

"Please... Please don't leave me..." Slash begged, his voice barely above a whisper. Y/N's heart dropped at his words, and at that moment she realized it was too late; Her greatest fear had come true.

She ruined him.

And all she could do now was hold him.

"I'm not going anywhere, Slash..." Her eyes were forced open by someone's blinding headlights as they pulled up and parked behind them. "I promise..." Her eyes closed again and she heard someone step out of the vehicle, close the door behind them and walk towards the car. The foot steps stopped and she heard a familiar voice.


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