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DEATH OF A ROSE (STAND BY ME V)angsty fluffwarning! mentions of death,excessive drug use and overdosewe've reached the end of stand by me, what a long and emotional (and horny) journeyit's been! i want to thank you allfor reading and for your pati...

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angsty fluff
warning! mentions of death,
excessive drug use and overdose
we've reached the end of
stand by me, what a long and
emotional (and horny) journey
it's been! i want to thank you all
for reading and for your patience!
i was considering publishing all
five stand by me issues as a
separate book (with some editing
of course) so let me know if you
guys would like that!

My stomach growled furiously for the eighth time tonight. Falling asleep on an empty stomach was a next to impossible task. Never again would I attempt it. When it growled a ninth time I kicked off my covers and quietly stomped towards the door.

Fuck it. I'm starving.

I quickly opened my door to avoid any slow creaking noises and crept as quietly as I could past both Cash and Dad and Meegan's rooms and down the stairs. I was surprised to find the lights on when I walked into the kitchen but shrugged it off as someone simply forgetting to switch them off. I hadn't even noticed another presence in the room when I opened the fridge to look for something that wasn't one of Meegan's weird vegan creations until I heard my name.


I jumped and quickly shut the fridge door, wincing at the loud slam that followed. I turned to see Dad sitting in one of the dining room chairs. I have no idea how I didn't notice him.

"What the hell are you doing awake?" He asked, his voice low. "And be quiet, people are sleeping."

"I was hungry," I admitted before opening the fridge again and grabbing a container of Greek yogurt. "What are you doing up?"

Dad sighed before responding. "Just thinking. Grab a spoon and go to bed."

I stopped for a moment, my hand gripping the handle of the utensil drawer but not opening it. Something felt... wrong. There was a hint of pain in his voice. It was small, but not unnoticeable. Something was definitely wrong.

I finally took a good look at Dad; he was slumped in his chair, head in his hand, staring down at what appeared to be a polaroid, and he wasn't wearing his shades. I could see the fatigue and pain in his eyes as he looked down at the picture. I'd never seen him look so miserable.

I set my yogurt down and slowly walked over to him, trying my best not to disturb him as I took a glance at the photo. It was of a young woman, wearing nothing but a silk black nightgown and Dad's hat. She was absolutely gorgeous and had a stunning smile. So... Why did he look so sad?

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