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TEASE ME PLEASE MEsmutrequested by KikiKiki018073 warning! sex! duh i apologize your request tookso long but i hope you enjoy!requests should open up againsoon!✟

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requested by KikiKiki018073
warning! sex! duh
i apologize your request took
so long but i hope you enjoy!
requests should open up again

"Y/N? Baby I'm home!" Duff shouted as he stepped in the door.

"I know, I can see you." Y/N giggled as she walked towards her newly arrived husband. Duff couldn't help but stare hungrily as her scantily clad form. She looked delicious, wearing nothing but a sheer black , feather trimmed robe.

"Now that's the kinda sugar papa likes." Duff growled under his breath. "What'd you get all dressed up for? Not that I'm complaining."

"Why whatever do you mean, Duffy?" Y/N batted her lashes innocently, but the mischievous smirk on her face had Duff doubting her innocence. He knew she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Teasing are we? Alright. Two can play at that game darlin'." He smirked and removed his leather jacket along with his Led Zeppelin t-shirt. Y/N simply smirked.

"Alright, but let's make it exciting."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Duff cocked a brow.

"Winner gets pre and post sex head."

"Deal. Either way I'm a winner." He winked, making Y/N blush. There had been a few times where Duff had cum just from giving head, which made Y/N consider herself a very lucky girl. But Duff didn't have to know that.

"Then you'll have no complaints when I win, which I will. Believe it or not McKagan, I can resist your charms when I want to." She was lying of course, the bassist's irresistible charms are what drew her to him in the first place. His confidence, charisma and good looks all swept her off her feet the moment they met, but tonight she'd have to do her best to ignore them. "Though I can't say the same for you." Y/N grinned deviously and allowed the left side of  her robe to slip down her shoulder, exposing her bare breast, before very slowly slipping it back up.

Duff gulped at the action but did his best to ignore it. After all, Y/N's head was unbelievable, and lord knows he could use it after the day he had. "I find you far less irresistible when you're being a brat, doll."

"Oh now you're just lying." She huffed, crossed her arms. "Bad boy." She gave his crotch a teasing squeeze, making Duff let out a small groan, before turning around to head back to the couch. But before she could take another step, Duff snatched her wrist and pulled her right back toward him.

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