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IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHTangstrequested by emkr08it feels so good to write somethingthat isn't smut for once! but i stillenjoy writing for all of you! anywaydoes anyone have anyjames hetfield x reader recs-✟

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requested by emkr08
it feels so good to write something
that isn't smut for once! but i still
enjoy writing for all of you! anyway
does anyone have any
james hetfield x reader recs-

The tears that spilled from Y/N's eyes landed softly into the soup that she had spent so long making.

I can't believe he didn't come.

The candles she lit were melted down to stubs, the soup was cold and the sparkling wine she poured had gone flat. The night she had spent so long preparing was ruined, all because someone couldn't be bothered to show up on time. While she wasn't surprised, she was disappointed. Very, very disappointed.

But all of a sudden, Y/N heard the jingling of that certain someone's keys.

Speak of the devil.

She slowly walked towards the door, her high heels clicking against the hardwood floor.

Better late than never was always his excuse, and Y/N always accepted it. She was always the happy camper who was just glad to have him around. But this time was different. Because he promised that this time would be different, and she believed him. She genuinely believed him when he promised her he'd be on time and he let her down.

How foolish she had been to believe him.

The door swung open and in walked the man of the hour, holding a bouquet of roses that were no doubt Duff's sad excuse for an apology.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry I'm late, I got held up at rehearsal and-"

"Shove it."


"Shove it." Y/N repeated, her voice as cold as the night air Duff had stepped in from. "I have slaved over that damn stove for hours just so you and I could finally spend some time together and have a nice quiet meal, and you couldn't even be bothered to show up on time!"

"I'm sorry, but we got really busy and-"

"Really? You seriously couldn't have just told the guys you had somewhere to be? Was it really that difficult?"

Duff's shoulders slumped. "It... Slipped my mind..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. As Y/N's eyes filled with sadness, Duff felt his heart drop to his stomach. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Y/N, and he had gone and done just that.

He'd forgotten all about the date she'd been planning out for them all week.

"Y/N... I'm so sorry, I never meant to-"

"What do I have to do, Duff?" Y/N interrupted, her eyes brimming with tears. "What do I have to do for you to start giving a shit about me?" Her voice broke with every word, as did his heart. "I try and I try to make you happy but you won't even let me! You won't even give me a chance! I don't ask for much, Duff, I really don't. All I ask is for you to spend time with me and you can't even give me that!

"Y/N, everything I do is for you!"Duff shouted, dropping the flowers. As awful as he felt for hurting her, he couldn't understand why she didn't see or appreciate his sacrifices. "I give you everything I have and more! I'm sorry we haven't been spending as much time together but I have been very very busy working my ass off trying to make our next album succeed so that I can give you a good life!"

"Well, how am I supposed to have a good life if you're not even in it?!" Y/N fought. "I don't want all these fancy things, Duff! I want you! I love you, not your money! I loved you even when you were destitute and living on my couch! What makes you think that would change? Do you honestly think I'm that materialistic that you need to buy me shit to keep me around?"

"No, I don't- I just..." He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts. "You're right. I was destitute and living on your couch, and it drove me fucking nuts, Y/N! I thought 'why the hell is this gorgeous girl who's way out of my league with me, a guy who can't even afford to pay for a date at fucking McDonald's? What have I done to deserve this angel who loves and believes in me so much?' Nothing. I've done nothing for you for the majority of our relationship and it's been killing me for the past three years." A few tiny tears streamed down his cheeks. It took a lot to make Duff cry, so Y/N knew he was telling the truth. "I don't want to use you anymore. I finally have the power to give you the life you deserve, and I'm not gonna let it slip through my fingers." He turned away and sniffled as he wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I'm really sorry I missed our date, Y/N. I know what I said is no excuse for that."

Y/N simply sighed and picked the roses up off the ground before taking them into the kitchen to put them in a nice vase. She filled the vase up with water and set it down on the table while taking the two bowls of soup and pouring the liquid back into the pot it came from.

"What are you doing?" Duff asked as she turned the stove on.

She remained silent and she walked toward him and wrapped her arms tightly around his tall figure. He quickly returned her embrace, his fingers entangled themselves in her hair, and his lips pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head.

"Have dinner with me. Please, just have dinner with me." Y/N mumbled softly against his chest. Duff nodded and kissed her again.

"I love you. And I'm gonna spend more time with you, I promise. I don't care how pissed the guys get at me, if it means that much to you I'll spend every minute of the day with you until you get sick of me."

"Mmm... Never gonna happen, Duffy. Never."

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