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MAMA KIN IIsad fluff/angstrequested by Vintqgesweetheartas a sequel to the imagine requestedby Gay-Monstrosityi'm really sorry about this beingso short, but i just really liked wherei left off!✟

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sad fluff/angst
requested by Vintqgesweetheart
as a sequel to the imagine requested
by Gay-Monstrosity
i'm really sorry about this being
so short, but i just really liked where
i left off!

I stared at the papers that sat on the coffee table in front of me. I refused to believe that I was actually going to do this. That I was actually going to leave him.

Part of me didn't want to go through with it, but part of me also knew that this is what I had to do. Not just for me, but for Edalyn. I have to keep her best interest in mind, so I have to do this. I have to. I have to.

"Oh god, Izzy why?" I sobbed into my hands as I thought about what my decision would mean.

I'd never see him again unless it was on TV.

I'd never be able to hear him play all those beautiful songs he writes for me.

I'd never be able to kiss him or hold him.

I'd never be able to see him play with Eda, make her laugh or bounce her on his knee...

But it's for the best, and I owe it to Eda to do what's right for her, and I owe it to myself to leave the man I love more than anything in the world.

"Y/N baby I'm home..."

Speak of the devil.

I didn't answer him. I just sat silently and waited for him to see the papers on the table.

He came over to kiss me but I turned away from him, refusing to be drawn back into his arms. Besides, he was drunk. As usual.

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "What's wrong baby?" I didn't answer him, I just stared at the papers.

Izzy followed my line of sight to the papers, which he picked up to read. Just the look of realization and hurt on his face made me bury my face in my hands. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." I sobbed. "I can't do this anymore... I just can't... I can't..."

"Y/N... I-I don't understand... Why are you doing this? What... What have I done to push you away?"

I took a deep breath before I answered him. "When you married me you promised to not only take care of me but Eda too! What kind of father only comes home when he's drunk? That is if he even comes home at all! You promised you would take care of her Izzy! That little girl loves you more than she ever loved her real father and you let her down, whether she knows it or not!" Tears poured down my cheeks as I caught my breath from my rant. "I... I know that your life is difficult, and I-I thought I knew what I was getting into when I married you... But if I knew that this is how it was gonna be then I never would have dragged Eda or myself into- Izzy?"

I looked at him. I really looked at him, and he stared right back at me, his eyes full of hurt, realization, and pure and utter pain.

He dropped to his knees before me and buried his face in my lap, sobbing profusely with constant mumbles of "I'm sorry".

If I was a stronger woman I would have pushed him away. If I didn't love him I would have pushed him away.

But I'm not a stronger woman, and I still love him.

"I'm sorry too..."

"I'll do whatever it takes to be the man that you and Eda deserve... I'll go to rehab, I'll quit the fuckin' band if I have to just please, please don't leave me baby please..."

I gently stroked his hair to ease his shaking form.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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