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HEADACHE LIKE A MOTHERfluffrequested by fox3429sorry if it's not the best, buti wanted to get it to you assoon as possible! hope you enjoy!✟

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

requested by fox3429
sorry if it's not the best, but
i wanted to get it to you as
soon as possible! hope you enjoy!

Y/N was never a huge fan of Izzy's drinking habits, so to keep her from worrying, Izzy always made an effort to keep his drinking a secret from her. Although it pained him to lie to her and say he wasn't going to drink that night, he did what he felt he had to do.

That night Izzy went out with Slash and Duff to some seedy bar to check out a new band on the strip that was beginning to get a good rep, and of course, Izzy lied and said he wouldn't drink. Surprisingly enough, he actually intended to keep that promise for once, but being around Slash and Duff didn't exactly help. Neither did the band noticing them in the bar and buying them a round of shots. And then another. And another. And another. And another. And another, till they were all so slobbering drunk they couldn't even form the words to order another round. The band eventually passed out at the booth, which made the barely functioning three-fifths of Guns N' Roses realize that their lack of a designated driver would leave them stranded at the bar. The day was saved however by a young group of girls, who had recognized them and happily paid for a taxi to take them home. 

Izzy was lucky to have enough remaining consciousness and self-control to be able to walk up the stairs of him and Y/N's shared home without making enough noise to wake her, but he wasn't saved from bumping into several pieces of furniture, which made him swear under his breath. After stumbling up the staircase and into their bedroom, Izzy finally flopped into bed beside Y/N, and let the exhaustion take over his lithe body.

Rays of sunlight beamed down onto Izzy's face, making him groan as he rolled over and shoved his face into his pillow. He desperately tried to ignore the infernal pounding in his head, but the pain was overwhelming. He whimpered quietly as he reached into the drawer of his nightstand to pull out a bottle of Tylenol when Y/N suddenly walked into the room.

"Morning babe!" She beamed when she suddenly noticed the bottle of pills in Izzy's hand. "What's the matter? You got a headache?" Y/N's voice lowered when he nodded and she quickly ran over to comfort him. She cupped his face in her hands and he leaned into her gentle touch. "Was the band too loud last night?"

"Somethin' like that." He said with a light chuckle.

Y/N smiled and kissed his forehead. "I go get you some water then." As soon as she left the room, Izzy felt his stomach turn, and the urge to throw up washed over him. He quickly rushed to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet, letting the contents of his stomach pour out of him. His head pounded relentlessly like one of Steven's drum solos, he almost felt like crying. When he was finally finished, he flopped against the bathtub, lacking the strength to stand up.

That was when Y/N walked in.

Izzy noticed the tears that treated to spill from her eyes and swore under his breath for forgetting to lock the door. He knew she knew.

There was a moment of silence before Y/N finally spoke up. 

"I feel so stupid... For a moment I actually believed you... But then I remembered how much you guys brag about how goddamn loud you are. And all the fuckin barf in the toilet only proves my suspicions to be true." A small laugh escaped her lips, but tears streamed down her cheeks. It pained Izzy to see her cry, but it hurt even more to know that he was the cause of her pain. "Why would you lie to me?" She whimpered, her voice breaking with every word. "Like did you even try to keep your promise? Or do those mean nothing to you?"

Izzy didn't dare meet her sorrowed gaze. "I tried baby, I really did... But being around the guys, and the band buying us drinks it just... I'm sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you-"

"It's not just about your lying to me." Y/N interrupted. "I made you promise me because I'm trying to help you. Aren't you tired of waking up and feeling like this? Aren't you in pain right now?"

Izzy stared at the floor and gently nodded.

Y/N sighed and crawled over to Izzy; he put his arms around her and held her to his chest, kissing the top of her head softly.

"I just don't wanna lose you Iz..."

That was enough to break Izzy's heart.

He pulled her away from his chest but still kept her close to him. He cupped her cheeks, just like she did earlier.

"If it really means that much to you baby, I'll start going to double a, I swear. I don't ever want to hurt you like this again." He pressed his lips to hers in a loving and tender kiss.

Y/N smiled into the kiss, happy tears running down her cheeks. After what felt like forever, she slowly pulled away. "I'm so happy... But don't just do it for me, Iz. Do it for yourself." She pressed one last gentle kiss to his lips before standing, and helping Izzy up off the floor. "Does everything still hurt?"

"Very much so." Izzy chuckled.

"Well don't worry. I'll take care of you."

Y/N kept true to her promise. After having him brush his teeth, she had Izzy take an asprin and lie down in bed until he regained his energy. When he woke up, he discovered a warm bowl of tomato soup waiting for him in the kitchen.

Although her gestures were small, Izzy appreciated them greatly. Her love was so selfless and genuine, and realizing this made him fall even deeper in love with her.

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